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STDC Closed Landfills Annual Report 2021-2022

through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement

Review of minimum flows & water allocation in Taranaki

very little discussion of the effects of total allocation. The allocation in any consents is usually for the maximum take and the sum of maximum takes for all consents is the total allocation. In practice, most consent holders only abstract at a maximum rate for a short period of time. For example, irrigation takes only take water in the summer and only at peak rates when it is necessary. Actual takes are usually about 50% of the total allocation (MfE 2015). Total allocation, as

Urban Development Indicators quarterly report No 3 - March 2019

monitoring and the implications for the district. Summary of findings:  The New Plymouth district is expected to experience high population growth.  Housing: In general, all housing indicators show upward trends. The cost of building or buying a first home in New Plymouth has increased, with housing affordability also on the rise in the short term.  Rent has continued to increase but the rate of change remains steady, alongside rental affordability.  Subdivisions: The increase

Biodiversity on land

any formal protection status. Each factor is each given a ‘condition’ score. The scores are then used to rate the overall state of the remnant, from ‘Excellent’ to ‘Poor’. Of the 64 forest remnants assessed between 2008 and 2014, more than half were found to be in ‘Good’ or ‘Very good’ condition. A very small percentage of forest remnants were considered to be in ‘Poor’ condition. The Rowan Road forest remnant KNE (above) has a biodiversity plan. annotation

NES F Synthetic nitrogen fertiliser info sheet

diammonium phosphate, or sulphate of ammonia but does not include a compost, soil treatment or fertiliser that is derived from plant or animal waste or residue and is minimally processed (e.g. by being composted, mixed, dried and pelleted). What is the nitrogen cap? The synthetic nitrogen cap applies to land in pastoral land use. The application rate for a contiguous landholding of synthetic nitrogen must be no more than 190kg/ha/year:  to all that land, as


Agenda for Taranaki Regional Transport Committee 2 December 2015

Manawa Energy Existing Environment legal opinion response

floating platforms was practicable and materially different from imagining ‘a no scheme’ environment. The Ngāti Rangi decision observed that not following Port Gore when assessing the effects of a proposal in the context of that case would be to “lock in” hydro-electricity water takes and flow rates for as long as the controlled activity status was retained, thereby preventing adverse effects from being avoided or mitigated.10 In support of its finding, the Court highlighted the

Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki

16.5% of the region’s population is Maori with 24.3% of the population of the South Taranaki district being Maori. 2013 Census figures show that the unemployment rate across the region is 5.6% with only small variations from one district to another. The rate of unemployment is below that for New Zealand which sits at 7.1%. Rates of unemployment among Maori are higher. Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth district (7.2% of households) and lowest in

Port Taranaki industries consent monitoring 2017-2018

and New Zealand Oil Services Ltd. Water samples were collected for physicochemical analysis on selected inspections. Consent data was also supplied to the Council for review. During the year, Port Taranaki Ltd, Downer New Zealand Ltd, and Technix Taranaki Terminal Ltd obtained a good rating for environmental and high rating for administrative performance and compliance with the resource consents. There was one non-compliant discharge recorded during the year, however, the cause for the

Summer 2012-2013

tau value was used to assess whether the trend was positive or negative and the significance of the trend was determined using the p value (p < 0.05 = significant). When multiple correlations are undertaken, there is a chance that some will be found to be significant purely by chance. In order to deal with this potential problem, the Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate (FDR) method was applied to the results of the Mann-Kendall test. Further justification for this statistical approach