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Report 2015-2016

and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual

Future directions for pest management in Taranaki

-2012 ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 2 Area covered by the Self-help Possum Control Programme ................................................. 13 Figure 3 Mean RTC rate for the Self-help Possum Control Programme over time ........................... 13 Figure 4 Climbing spindleberry infestation and density levels - 2006/07 (above left) and 2011/12 (above right)

Annual report 2014-2015

the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year.


According to the 2013 Census, 16.5% of the region’s population is Maori with 24.3% of the population of the South Taranaki district being Maori. 2013 Census figures show that the unemployment rate across the region is 5.6% with only small variations from one district to another. The rate of unemployment is below that for New Zealand which sits at 7.1%. Rates of unemployment among Maori are higher. Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth district (7.2% of

Regional targets for swimmable rivers and lakes for the Taranaki region

from 42% to above 70%. Notwithstanding that while NIWA confirms a definite reduction in E coli levels, the rate of compliance with NPS-FM targets has not changed over the same period5 due at least in part to the reality that peak concentrations of E. coli at peak flows are not reduced by such riparian interventions. Taking the above into account, regional gains in swimmability of some 20-25% in relative terms, from a current 39% (as modelled) to about 50%, is considered more

Regional Soil Plan PDF 2021

the Act. Where a word is followed by an asterisk ‘*’, the meaning which follows is the meaning provided in section 2 [Interpretation section] of the Act. In the case of any inconsistency, the statutory definition prevails. Where a word is followed by a double asterisk ‘**’, the meaning which follows is the meaning already adopted in the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki and/or one or more of the regional plans for Taranaki. Accelerated erosion** means intensification of the rate of

Quarterly Operational Report September 2018

year-end performance may not be achieved:  Consent processing and administration: The pre-hearing success rate may be impacted upon by the Mt Messenger consent process. The following performance measures are noted as being red. That is, performance to date has not achieved the target or the performance for the rest of the year is unlikely to achieve the target:  Nil. page QUARTERLY OPERATIONAL REPORT – SEPTEMBER 2018 2 Introduction The

Quarterly Operational Report March 2018

be achieved: Nil. The following performance measures are noted as being red. That is, performance to date has not achieved the target or the performance for the rest of the year is unlikely to achieve the target: Investment management: The Council’s Investment Policy has a 6% target for interest returns. The Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to set a target. In the current interest rate environment, the Council is unlikely to reach this target

Quarterly Operational Report September 2017

programmes that cover multiple consent holders) in 2016/2017, together with additional programmes for hydrocarbon exploration and development activities. Consent holders are assessed each year on their environmental performance and on consent compliance. Overall ratings for consent holders in the 2016/2017 year were found to be 74% ‘high’ and 21% ‘good’. 2016/2017 programmes are being reported to the Council. The dairy farm effluent system non-compliance rate in 2016/2017 was at a level

Transport Activity Procurement Strategy

Council’s transport related activities that are not funded, or either funded in part or fully funded from the National Land Transport Fund. Key issues and opportunities include:  Changes to the Transport Agency’s funding assistance rates leading to potential changes in levels of service.  Packaging work so that local suppliers with sufficient capacity/capability can compete.  Developing good long term supplier/client relationships.  Developing partnering relationships with