Your search for 'rates' returned 2189 results.

Executive Audit and Risk Agenda March 2023

36,746 1,290,135 1,284,546 -5,589 2,128,388 Total operating expenditure 2,472,342 3,036,696 564,354 23,447,621 23,373,492 -74,129 47,004,286 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 968,359 1,252,165 -283,806 2,855,564 3,202,795 -347,231 5,048,875 Rent revenue 80,123 110,000 -29,877 956,407 770,000 186,407 1,260,000 Dividends 0 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates

TRC Annual Report 2021-2022

2016/17 Actual 2015/16 Actual 2014/15 Actual 2013/14 General rates $10.94m $10.94m $7.95m $7.95m $7.95m $7.95m $7.61m $7.54m $7.46m $7.40m $7.29m Percent change 37.6% 37.6% 0% 0% 0% 4.5% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 1.4% 1.5% General rates to income 25.9% 22.8% 15.7% 18.3% 18.3% 22.2% 28.5% 30.0% 30.0% 30.2% 29.9% Rates per $100,000 capital value $24.13 $24.13 $24.17 $25.80 $25.80 $14.17 $15.55 $15.99 $16.64 $16.71 $17.18 Total expenditure $41.2m $49.7m $41.2m $37.8m $37.8m $31.3m

Irrigation Water Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

maintenance of minimum residual flows, provision of abstraction records and all other general conditions of their consent(s). Monitoring found the majority of takes being well managed and operating within relevant consent conditions during the 2021-2022 period. The Council was required to enter three incidents in relation to irrigation consents over this period, with all non-compliances deemed sufficiently minor not to warrant further action from Council. The overall rate of non-compliance

Manawa Energy Mangorei HEP Scheme Annual Report 2021-2022

responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both

Taranaki Regional Council Regional Coastal Plan 1998 inoperative

being is repeated in this glossary simply for the purpose of assistance. In the case of any inconsistency or amendment of the definition the statutory definition prevails. Accelerated coastal erosion means intensification of the rate of erosion of the land surface (including soil, regolith and bedrock), induced by human activity. Accretion means the seaward extension of land as a result of the deposition of sediments. Act* means the Resource Management Act 1991. Air means

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 3

SLDP2b Rodent numbers post initial control in 1st extended area (100ha) of Pukeiti are below a 1% tracking card index. 1-May-22 Delayed to July 2023 – suggest change to wording This milestone needs to be reviewed given the difficulty of attaining a 5% tracking card index within the first control area. Suggest change to 5% RTC TRC LSDP4c Self-help Possum control mean catch rate is below a 5%RTC within landscape predator area. 30-May-22 Not

Application Appendix F Hydrology Assessment 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

representing the flow in the river with the generation flow added back in 7. Waiwhakaiho at Rimu St – this is another long-term flow recording station operated by TRC; while river levels have been recorded from October 1992, rated flows are only available from April 2009. Represents flow in the lower river downstream of the scheme 8. Lake Mangamahoe – representing operation of the lake and level fluctuations. Of the eight nodes for which hydrological information is presented in this report, five

Manaaki Whenua mustelid dispersal population genomics 2023

filtering, while for the weasel data set 141,825 SNPs were retained. Given the different sizes of the two data sets and the filtering parameters that are affected by sample size, these numbers may not reflect the relative genetic diversity of these two species accurately. However, it appears that weasels have considerably more genetic variation than stoats in Taranaki. All quality metrics for each SNP were high, with the mean page - 6 - sample depth (8.4) and mean co-call rate

Oaonui Water Supply Ltd Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

Consent 10314-1 14 List of figures Figure 1 The location of the OWSL site and its associated water service area 3 Figure 2 Seven-day volume (consent limit 28,000 m3) 7 Figure 3 Daily abstraction rate (consent limit 50 L/s) 7 Figure 4 Macroinvertebrate index results recorded in the Oaonui Stream in relation to the OWSL Stream Weir, October 2021 9 Figure 5 Macroinvertebrate index results recorded in the Oaonui Stream in relation to the OWSL Stream Weir, March 2022 10