Your search for 'rates' returned 2231 results.

Executive Audit and Risk Agenda July 2023

expenditure 4,182,181 6,271,906 2,089,725 39,176,634 40,028,112 851,478 47,004,284 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 236,279 333,605 -97,326 4,290,005 4,723,932 -433,927 5,048,875 Rent revenue 188,455 110,000 78,455 1,538,563 1,210,000 328,563 1,320,000 Dividends 0 0 0 8,000,000 8,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 2,950,334 2,950,333 1 11,801,336 11,801,335 1 11,801,335

New Zealand Energy Corporation DWI Annual Report 2022-2023

environmental performance and compliance for 878 (87%) of a total of 1007 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 96 (10%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the Company over the last several years,

Policy and Planning Committee Agenda April 2024

significant confusion in the community. • Some permitted activity standards are also arguably redundant. For example, the permitted activity standards under regulation 13 for stockholding areas require the area be sealed so that Policy and Planning Committee - Opportunities for Freshwater Reform 14 page water cannot permeate faster than a certain rate and the area be 50m away from any water body or drain. If an area is appropriately sealed and effluent appropriately

Lower Waiwhakaiho Air Discharges Annual Report 2021-2022

development of the region’s resources. Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both environmental and administrative performance. The interpretations for these ratings are found in

DH Lepper Trust Piggery Annual Report 2021-2022

ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories

Application form 21 03371 3 0 Trustpower Limited 26 Nov 2021

maintenance of the Motukawa HEPS. Is a structure on, under, or over a river bed required? No What is the maximum rate of taking proposed (litres/second)? 8000 What is the maximum rate of taking proposed (cubic metres per day)? 345600 What is the maximum volume proposed to be taken in a 7-day period (m3)? 2419200 Please indicate below how your taking will vary through a typical year Maximum or near to maximum:  Jul  May  Jun Less than

Regional Transport Committee Agenda December 2023

Management Plan SPR Special Purpose Road STDC South Taranaki District Council STE Stock Truck Effluent TEFAR Targeted Enhanced Financial Assistance Rate TIO Transport Investment Online TP Transport Programme TRC Taranaki Regional Council TSIG Transport Special Interest Group VKT Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Regional Transport Committee - Confirmation of RTAG Minutes - October and November 2023 15 page @BCL@401CED03 Taranaki Regional

Application form 20 02056 4 0 Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

applications relating to the continued operation and maintenance of the Mangorei HEPS. Is a structure on, under, or over a river bed required? No What is the maximum rate of taking proposed (litres/second)? 10000 What is the maximum rate of taking proposed (cubic metres per day)? 864000 What is the maximum volume proposed to be taken in a 7- day period (m3)? 6048000 Please indicate below how your taking will vary through a typical year Maximum or near to

NPDC Water Supplies Annual Report 2021-2022

the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both environmental and administrative performance. The interpretations for these ratings are found in Appendix II. For reference, in the 2021-2022 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 88% of the