regional plan requirements. The non-
compliance rate for failure to meet resource consent
conditions was 6.6% for dairy farms, a small change from the
previous year. The Council will continue to monitor farm
dairy effluent systems closely to ensure compliance with the
Council’s requirements.
Complementing the agricultural monitoring programme, the
Council inspected 221 minor industrial operations in
2013/2014. Minor industries include agricultural services,
light engineering, panel beaters,
refinement of methods
and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the
region’s resources.
1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance
Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by NPDC, this report
also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely
remain high
for the Mt Messenger and Awakino projects.
The Council finished the 2015/2016 year with a surplus
of $963,000 (total comprehensive income). Expenditure
was $373,000 over budget, in large part due to the
Council providing unbudgeted emergency funding to
assist those in need following the severe winter storm
damage. Overall it was a good result, noting that
general rates increases have been at or below the rate
of inflation
production bore, abstraction pipework monitoring
equipment and associated infrastructure; and
obtaining manual measurements of groundwater levels in the production and
observation bores and retrieving electronic data.
To monitor the exercising of consent 7470-1.1 abstraction volume and rate data are recorded
electronically at the site by a data logging system and transferred to the Council via telemetry,
so the data can be viewed in real time. Three groundwater monitoring bores were also
monitor the exercising of consent 7470-1.1 abstraction volume and rate data is recorded
electronically at the site by a datalogging system and is transferred to the Council via
telemetry, so the data can be viewed in real time. Three groundwater monitoring bores were
also installed within the vicinity of the production bore to monitor the effects of the abstraction
on local groundwater levels. Groundwater levels within two of the monitoring bores
(GND2102 and GND2103) are monitored electronically
Taking and use of groundwater ...........................................................................24
1 Introduction
Currently, the minor taking and use of surface and groundwater in the Taranaki region is
a Permitted Activity within the Taranaki Regional Council’s Regional Freshwater Plan
[“Plan”], subject to various conditions relating in the main to abstraction flow rates and
daily volumes (refer Appendix One).
common terms and abbreviations 16
Bibliography and references 17
Appendix I Resource consents held by Oaonui Water Supplies Limited
List of tables
Table 1 Resource consents held by the Company 4
Table 2 Summary of compliance with abstraction rates and data supply 7
Table 3 Incidents, investigations, and interventions summary table 10
Table 4 Summary of performance for Consent 0231-4 11
Table 5 Summary of performance for Consent 5453-2 12
utilisation of additional pasture production is likely include the following:
Increase in stocking rate to utilise additional production during the summer and
autumn for increased milk solids production per hectare. Typically this would mean
an increase in stocking rate by approximately 0.4 to 0.6 cows per hectare
Reduction in supplementary feeding, such as silage and maize silage during the late
summer and autumn
Fewer cows are likely to dry off early due to higher pasture production in
abstraction rate from the Patea River during the low flow period. One incident was recorded
as a result and a letter requiring an explanation was issued. The subsequent response was
During the year, SDC demonstrated a good level of both environmental and administrative
This report includes recommendations for the 2015-2016 year.
Table of contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the
hydrological monitoring was undertaken by maintaining the McColl’s Bridge flow recorder.
The monitoring showed that overall the scheme operated within resource consent requirements for the vast
majority of the period being reported. During this period, the Company was fully compliant with lake levels
and the rise and recession rate restrictions for the lower Patea River. The Company provided adequate
residual flows within the Patea River at all times, with the exception of one incident that was the …