Your search for 'rates' returned 2189 results.

Optimisation of Farm Irrigation Part 2

utilisation of additional pasture production is likely include the following: Increase in stocking rate to utilise additional production during the summer and autumn for increased milk solids production per hectare. Typically this would mean an increase in stocking rate by approximately 0.4 to 0.6 cows per hectare Reduction in supplementary feeding, such as silage and maize silage during the late summer and autumn Fewer cows are likely to dry off early due to higher pasture production in

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2021-2022

quality criteria. Irrigation of wastewater during the year led to mass loadings of nitrogen per hectare that were well in excess of those recommended by the Council and the description of N loadings previously provided by RNZ. The rates of application in 2021-2022 raise questions about whether the ability of pasture to take up nitrogen could be surpassed, and the timing and volume of page irrigation events suggest that irrigation is being used as a means to prevent the

Annual report 2014-2015

abstraction rate from the Patea River during the low flow period. One incident was recorded as a result and a letter requiring an explanation was issued. The subsequent response was accepted. During the year, SDC demonstrated a good level of both environmental and administrative performance. This report includes recommendations for the 2015-2016 year. page i Table of contents Page 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the

Council meeting agenda 21 May 2019

the rest of this Agenda Item:  The final option to be adopted for the repair/reinstatement and update of Yarrow Stadium  The availability of the facilities for a multitude of users and sports at an affordable cost  The Revenue and Financing Policy for Yarrow Stadium  The incidence of rates for industrial and commercial ratepayers in the New Plymouth and North Taranaki constituencies  The incidence of rates for the Patea Ward of the South Taranaki District. 6.

AR2017 web

general rates increases have been at or below the rate of inflation for the past few years. The Council’s balance sheet remains very strong, with no public debt. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts and achievements of council staff during the year, ably governed by a team of Councillors providing clear direction, consistent with our mission. David MacLeod Basil Chamberlain Chairman Chief Executive page

Annual report 2016-2017

site. Inspection visits typically comprised of:  a visual inspection of the production bore, abstraction pipework monitoring equipment and associated infrastructure; and  obtaining manual measurements of groundwater levels in the production and monitoring bores and retrieving electronic data. To monitor the exercising of consent 7470-1.2, abstraction volume and rate data are recorded electronically at the site by a data logging system and transferred to the Council via telemetry,

Pre-Election Report 2019

Taranaki Regional Council – Pre-Election Report – July 2019 4 Monitoring, using rat footprint tracking and a possum bite-mark index, show catch rates have dropped; rats went from 33 per cent to 19 percent in the past year, while the urban New Plymouth possum index has fallen from 25.6 to 1.4 per cent in the past four years. These results strongly suggest the rapidly growing trapping network in urban New Plymouth backyards, parks and reserves is having an impact,

Annual Report 2012/2013 - full document

budgeting for a 1.5% rates rise in the 2013/2014 year on the back of a zero percent rates rise in 2012/2013. This was assisted by improved dividends from Port Taranaki Ltd, which is 100% owned by the Council on behalf of the people of the region. The Council is firmly committed to continued public ownership of the port. Financially, the Council continued its strong financial performance. Operating expenditure was 1.3% below budget. On the resource management front, the Council had a busy year

ST water supplies monitoring report 2018-2019

good level of administrative performance. STDC has advised council that the breaches in discharge rates at Opunake should be resolved by February 2020. The non-compliant breaches became apparent when council received the discharge data at the end of the monitoring year. For reference, in the 2018-2019 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 83% of the consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes,

Supplementary Officer Report for Resource Consent

wind direction was from the east to north- east – that is, from the poultry sheds towards the Hibells. Notably, there were no further complaints during this time, even though during this period there were times when shed doors were open, ventilation rates were high, and birds were being removed. page 2987898 Supplementary report AFT farm December 2021- February 2022 43. The Hibells lodged a second complaint with the Council, on 8 February at 5.39 pm. Again the complaint