Your search for 'rates' returned 2189 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

for the continuous measurement of flow rate and temperature. Silver Fern Farms Ltd (meat processing plant) demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. The Company holds six resource consents, to allow it to maintain a dam in and to take from the Tawhiti Stream; to discharge to the stream and to land; and to discharge emissions into the air. During the period under review, one incident was registered against the site, in relation to flooding behind the dam

McKechnie Aluminium monitoring 2019-2020

1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by MASL, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with MASL’s approach to …

13AEE AppendixK

Yes D No a 3.3 Location of activity (Including: Street/road name, number, and locality) /^o ^oko, ^ /^rates notice) ft S^c^- g^K// Uyp&r (^^f-^^ ^ur^ P^C\ 07/17-#623867 Page 3 of 14 page 3.6 Assessment/Valuatiop number of property (refer to land

Taranaki seismicity 2012-2013 - GNS Science

.............................................................................................................. 7 6.1.1 Larger earthquakes .......................................................................................... 7 6.1.2 Long-term distribution ..................................................................................... 10 6.1.3 Long-term rate ................................................................................................ 10 6.2 Volcanic significance ................................................................................................... 10

Fonterra Whareroa consent monitoring 2019-2020

Appendix II Fonterra Whareroa water abstraction: Hydrographs and summary statistics 2019-2020 Appendix III Fonterra Whareroa wastewater constituent mass loads (Annual estimates 2010-2020) List of tables Table 1 Product manufactured at Fonterra annually 3 Table 2 Summary of resource consents held by Fonterra for the Whareroa site 6 Table 3 Summary of abstraction rate data for 2019-2020 11 Table 4 Limits for stormwater composition for each parameter 2019-2020 (consents …


Lake Rotorangi is determined each year, through four water quality monitoring surveys and through phytoplankton surveys (conducted simultaneously with the water quality surveys). A previous benthic invertebrate survey and a three-yearly macrophyte (aquatic weeds) survey conducted in autumn 2015 are also reported, for completeness. Based on these surveys and studies, the lake’s condition continues to be classified as mesotrophic, with a very slow and insignificant rate of increase in trophic

Annual report 2015-2016

consent to discharge emissions into the air at the plant site. The consent to emit to air was replaced in May 2016. During the monitoring period, ANZCO demonstrated a generally good level of environmental performance. Monitoring is carried out by both ANZCO and the Council. ANZCO monitors water abstraction rate, effluent flow rate and composition, receiving water quality, odour at the plant boundaries, and effluent loadings, soil, and herbage for irrigation areas. The Council undertakes

Taranaki Seismic & Ground Deformation Monitoring 2016-2017 - GNS Science

............................................................................................................ 7 6.1.1 Larger earthquakes .......................................................................................... 7 6.1.2 Long-term distribution ....................................................................................... 7 6.1.3 Long-term rate .................................................................................................. 8 6.2 VOLCANIC SIGNIFICANCE OF EARTHQUAKE DATA .............................................................. 11 6.3 SEISMIC

Report on land disposal options

With a loading rate of 4mm/day for the disposal field. • 30% buffer area for the disposal field to allow for separation from water ways and any land unsuitable for disposal which may be present in the land parcel. • Disposal only when the day’s rainfall is <10mm. • The approximate 4 year period for which data is supplied is representative of all foreseeable flow scenarios. • The scheme should give consideration to the maximum flows, successive days of maximum flows and be

Taranaki seismicity 2013-2014 - GNS Science

.............................................................................................................. 7 6.1.1 Larger earthquakes .......................................................................................... 7 6.1.2 Long-term distribution ..................................................................................... 10 6.1.3 Long-term rate ................................................................................................ 10 6.2 Volcanic significance ................................................................................................... 10