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Schedule 5B - Sites of significance to Māori and associated values (Te Atiawa)

the Tangaroa, was an important spawing area for īnanga and native fish. The hapū fished from purpose built platforms and this technique to show customary fishing locations on the river continues today. Each whakaparu was named and these names remain and continue to be used by Te Atiawa today. The mara gardens along the river included Te Rare, Mangahinau, Panekeneke, Opakaru, Te Ramarama and Mangaemiemi. The ururpā include Te Rohutu, Manaaiti, Pukehou, Teremutu and Ngangana.

Annual Report 2016/2017 - full report

Scheme  Consulting on the Opunake flood control scheme with representatives of Te Kahui o Taranaki. Agreement was reached to meet with local hapu and marae representatives for further discussion  Meeting with the Whenuakura Marae Committee to discuss water abstraction and resource management in the Whenuakura River catchment  Surveying other regional councils on the resourcing of iwi input to resource consent processing with a view to this assisting the

AR2017 web

scheme with representatives of Te Kahui o Taranaki. Agreement was reached to meet with local hapu and marae representatives for further discussion  Meeting with the Whenuakura Marae Committee to discuss water abstraction and resource management in the Whenuakura River catchment  Surveying other regional councils on the resourcing of iwi input to resource consent processing with a view to this assisting the review of activities in this important area.