Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1309 results.

Summer 2012-2013

three day period following significant river/stream fresh conditions. [NB: regional differences in rainfall patterns have caused difficulties at various sites in the past as localised rainfall may impact on bacteriological quality on isolated occasions]. Where necessary, a 2 metre sampling pole was used for bacteriological sample collection immediately beneath the water surface and at a minimum of calf depth at the sites. Thirteen samples were collected from all but one site (12 samples)

Groundwater quality report 2016-2017

hydrogeologic conditions (Taylor and Evans, 1999). These result in a complex system of unconfined, perched and semi confined aquifers within the volcanic deposits. The water table in the ring plain area is typically encountered between 1 to 10 m below ground level. Seasonal variations in water table depth of up to 5 m are common. Groundwater flow generally reflects surface topography and flows radially from Mount Taranaki. Recharge to the Taranaki volcanic aquifers is mainly by rainfall

SEM groundwater2017 web

hydrogeologic conditions (Taylor and Evans, 1999). These result in a complex system of unconfined, perched and semi confined aquifers within the volcanic deposits. The water table in the ring plain area is typically encountered between 1 to 10 m below ground level. Seasonal variations in water table depth of up to 5 m are common. Groundwater flow generally reflects surface topography and flows radially from Mount Taranaki. Recharge to the Taranaki volcanic aquifers is mainly by rainfall

Recount 98 - September 2015

grass sowing,” says the Council’s Director-Operations, Stephen Hall. “The storm’s impact on the ring plain was Continued Page 2 Mapping a very wet winter NZ ShakeOut | national earthquake drill | 9.15am, 15 October | Rainfall over the winter months of June, July and August was well above the season’s normal at sites monitored by the Taranaki Regional Council, as illustrated by this map showing totals at some of our measuring stations.

Inhalable particulate (PM2.5) monitoring 2016-2020

dot) 8 Figure 6 E-BAM set-up and instillation at Central School, New Plymouth 9 Figure 7 Location of Meteorological Stations with respect to the Central School monitoring site 11 Figure 8 Wind rose for the whole monitoring period (from hourly data) 12 Figure 9 Frequency of rainfall with wind direction 12 Figure 10 Boxplots of daily mean PM2.5 over the monitoring period 14 Figure 11 Number of days per year with PM2.5 concentrations 15 Figure 12 Temporal variations in …

Corteva Agriscience New Zealand Ltd Annual Report 2021-2022

stormwater sampling and release records and inspections of the discharge point and receiving waters in the Herekawe Stream. Scheduled inspections were carried out on 16 August 2021, 4 February 2022, 11 March 2022 and 21 June 2022. Notes from these visits are summarised below. 16 August 2021 On site 10:45 to 11:15. Weather was fine with a light northwesterly wind. 15 mm of rainfall had been recorded over the previous week at the Brooklands Zoo station. Stormwater ponds were sampled for

Future directions for the management of farm dairy effluent

opportunities and constraints for improving farm dairy effluent management .......... 23 6.1 Soil characteristics .................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 High rainfall and seasonal considerations ............................................................................ 23 6.3 Taranaki river flows and characteristics ............................................................................... 24 6.4

Annual report 2014-2015

ponds 2014-2015 (between hours of 1100 – 1400). Data from pond outlet. 13 Figure 3 Faecal coliform numbers in the HWWTP effluent(s), 1992 to 2015 15 Figure 4 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the Hawera oxidation ponds system and daily rainfall data (mm) from a Council rainfall station approximately 5 km east of the Hawera oxidation ponds, 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 17 page iv Figure 5 Location of marine ecological monitoring sites 18 Figure 6 Mean

Discharge Consent Application Form Part B

structures; viii) The locations of all specific points of discharge from the work area to the environment; and, ix) Any other relevant site information. d) Construction timetable for the erosion and sediment control works and the bulk earthworks proposed; e) Maintenance, monitoring and reporting procedures; f) Rainfall response and contingency measures including procedures to minimise adverse effects in the event of extreme rainfall events and/or the failure of any key erosion and