appeared to be well lined, with a shut off valve in place at the exit of the
second pit. A good quality swale had been constructed to direct and treat any
potential overflow following extreme rainfall events.
Works had also been completed on the ring drains to ensure that they flow towards
the skimmer pits and prevent pooling or ponding within the drains. At the time of
the inspection the skimmer pits were discharging as a result of the ring drains along
the western edge of the site being fed
(STDC), operates the Eltham municipal wastewater
treatment system located to the east of Eltham in the Mangawhero catchment. STDC holds a
resource consent to allow it to discharge treated wastewater to the Mangawhero Stream
under high rainfall conditions only. Previously STDC also held a consent for the discharge
of emissions into the air but this expired in mid 2011 when it was no longer considered
necessary as the nature of the biological processes at the plant met a ‘permitted’ category in
Conductivity Conductivity, an indication of the level of dissolved salts in a sample, usually
measured at 25°C and expressed in mS/m
Cr Chromium
Cu* Copper
Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall
g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L). In water, this is
also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but the same does not apply to gaseous
Incident register A register containing a list of events recorded by
STDC Waverley-Kaponga-Manaia-Patea oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
rainfall events can
lead to rapid rises in river levels and flooding in hill country valleys and elsewhere.
Figure 2: The Taranaki Region
The people
Figures from the 2018 census show Taranaki total population stands at 117,561, an increase of 7.3% over the
2013 census figure. In the previous census period (2006-2013) the region’s population increased by 5.3%.
Taranaki accounts for 2.5% of New Zealand’s total population.
Population changes have also varied
Trustpower Motukawa hydro scheme resource consent monitoring report 2019-2020
stream, such as after heavy rainfall
g/m3 grammes per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrammes per litre
(mg/L). In water, this is also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but
the same does not apply to gaseous mixtures
l/s litres per second
MCI macroinvertebrate community index; a numerical indication of the state
of biological life in a stream that takes into account the sensitivity of the
taxa present to organic pollution in stony habitats
mS/m millisiemens per metre
100 millilitre sample
Ent enterococci, an indicator of the possible presence of faecal material and
pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as colony forming
units per 100 millilitre of sample
F fluoride
FC faecal coliforms, an indicator of the possible presence of faecal material
and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as colony forming
units per 100 millilitre sample
fresh elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall
g/m3 grams per cubic metre,
and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as colony forming
units per 100 millilitre sample
fresh elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall
g/m3 grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L). In
water, this is also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but the same
does not apply to gaseous mixtures
Incident an event that is alleged or is found to have occurred that may have
actual or potential environmental consequences
Oaonui Stream. During 2019-2020 5,000 litre tanks were utilised to store excess volumes when rainfall
exceeded capacity of the ponds and recirculation system. Investigations into the potential environmental
impacts of this activity and planning for remediation of the facility are continuing. Wood Group intended to
relocate the training centre to a new site in New Plymouth in early 2020, however the timeline for this has
been delayed due to Covid-19.
In terms of overall environmental and …