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Kotare Bush, McGlashan Bush, Willy Wetland

tenax), mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus), swamp coprosma (Coprosma tenuicaulis) and native ferns. Peaty soils often contain a mix of interesting unique flora and other notable species may be present such as rare ferns and ground orchids. Fauna The primary value of this wetland is as secure habitat for the ‘At Risk’ and Regionally Distinctive’ brown mudfish (Neochanna apoda). Other native species found at the site include grey warbler (Gerygone igata) and fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa).

Appendix 4B: Ngāti Tama

page Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki 197197197197 Appendix IVB: Ngati Tama statutory acknowledgement s 1. Attachment to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki In accordance with Section 58 of the Ngati Tama Claims Settlement Act 2003, information recording statutory acknowledgements is hereby attached to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki. The information includes relevant provisions of Subpart 4 of Part 5 of the Ngati Tama Claims Settlement Act

Appendix 10G: Ngāruahine

page 251 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Appendix XG: Ngāruahine statutory acknowledgements 1. Attachment to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki In accordance with Section 53 of the Ngāruahine Claims Settlement Act 2006, information recording statutory acknowledgements is hereby attached to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki. The

Appendix 10B: Ngāti Ruanui

page 187 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Appendix XB: Ngati Ruanui statutory acknowledgements 1. Attachment to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki In accordance with Section 93 of the Ngati Ruanui Claims Settlement Act 2003, information recording statutory acknowledgements is hereby attached to the Regional Policy Statement for

Appendix 4C: Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi

page Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki 211211211211 Appendix IVC: Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi statutory acknowledgements 1. Attachment to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki In accordance with Section 45 of the Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Claims Settlement Act 2005, information recording statutory acknowledgements is hereby attached to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki. The information includes relevant provisions of Subpart 3 of Part 4 of the Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi

Appendix 4A: Ngāti Ruanui

page Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki 189189189189 Appendix IVA: Ngati Ruanui statutory acknowledgeme nts 1. Attachment to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki In accordance with Section 93 of the Ngati Ruanui Claims Settlement Act 2003, information recording statutory acknowledgements is hereby attached to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki. The information includes relevant provisions of Subpart 5 of Part 5 of the Ngati Ruanui Claims

Appendix 10H: Te Atiawa

page 265 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Appendix XH: Te Atiawa statutory acknowledgements 1. Attachment to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki In accordance with Section 53 of the Te Atiawa Claims Settlement Act 2006, information recording statutory acknowledgements is hereby attached to the Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki.

Watsons Hill Bush

Species Regional: Key Native Ecosystem Regional Ecosystem Loss: Chronically threatened 10-20% left Catchment: Waitara (395) General Description Watsons Hill Bush is located on privately owned land on Toe Toe Road, 3.5Km north-west of Tarata. The site is a 2.9 ha remnant of lowland tawa, kohekohe, rewarewa, hinau, podocarp forest, on short steep slopes descending to the Waitara River. The forest provides good

Appendix 4: Statutory acknowledgements

or interest in, or any rights relating to a statutory area. Attachment of statutory acknowledgements in accordance with iwi deeds of settlement relating to the Taranaki region To date, four statutory acknowledgements apply to the Taranaki region – these relate to the Ngati RuanuiNgati RuanuiNgati RuanuiNgati Ruanui, Ngati Tama, Ngati Tama, Ngati Tama, Ngati Tama, and NgNgNgNgaaaaaaaa Rauru Rauru Rauru Rauru Kiitahi Kiitahi Kiitahi Kiitahi and NgNgNgNgāāāāti Mutunga ti

January 2022 rainfall maps

page Provisional data onlyRegional Council Taranaki Total monthly rainfall (mm) xxx yy% KEY % of average rainfallmonthly xxx yy % NEW PLYMOUTH H WERAĀ ŌPUNAKE ELTHAM Kaka Rd P teaā K tareō Motunui Brooklands Inglewood Pohokura SaddleNorth Egmont Stratford Huinga Cape Egmont Dawson Falls Glenn Rd Whareroa Rimunui January 2220 Rainfall 8%11 15%21 9%8 12%10 16%21 16%19 17%68 13%14 22%18 19%18 16%52