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Consents & Regulatory minutes August 2021

group karakia. Apologies An apology was received from Councillor C L Littlewood. Williamson/Lean Notification of There were no late items. Late Items page 1. Confirmation of Minutes – 20 July 2021 Resolved That the Consents and Regulatory Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes including the public excluded minutes and resolutions of the Consents and Regulatory Committee meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held

May 2022 rainfall

Rainfall for May was generally above the long-term May average, ranging from 85% to 179%, with an average of 118% of normal. Rainfall was higher around the Maunga and Ring Plain, and in the south of the region. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 75.6% and 213.4% with an average of 121.8% of normal. Cape Egmont remains at more than 200% of normal to date and has already received 80% of a typical year’s rain in five months. May 2022 hydrology report May 2022 rainfall maps What you should

The right time to get your hands dirty

It’s often said the key to successful planting is to put the right plant in the right place, at the right time. When it comes to native plants, the right time is right now. Winter is here and we’ve had plenty of rain, making the soil soft and wet. Plants need time and moisture to settle in so by the time spring comes around they’ll be raring to grow. We know many of you are already planting, which is awesome to see. Farmers are doing their annual riparian planting while community planting

Appendix 3: Investigation of fill areas

page File note 28 March 2008 Document: 456017 Patea Freezing Works - Investigation of fill areas The entire embankment area between the factory and estuary, on the southern (seaward) side of the site, had been used for the disposal of waste materials from the site. Of particular interest was the dumping of ash and clinker from the early period when the boilers were coal fired, prior to fuel oil and then gas. Test pits It was originally intended that up to 25 test pits