Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4760 results.

Cheal deep well injection monitoring 2020-2021

2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-49 Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2827273 (Word) Document: 2856026 (Pdf) November 2021 page page Executive summary Cheal Petroleum Ltd (the Company) operate a number of wellsites located within their Cheal oil and gas field, south of Stratford. Each wellsite

TRC Taranaki Maori Constituency Nomination Paper

page TARANAKI MĀORI CONSTITUENCY NOMINATION PAPER To: Electoral Officer, Taranaki Regional Council PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 A. For the TWO NOMINATORS to complete (Nominators must be electors on the electoral roll for the Taranaki Māori Constituency) We, the undersigned electors of Taranaki Māori Constituency nominate (enter candidate details): with their consent, as a candidate for Member of the Taranaki Māori Constituency for the election to be

TRC South Taranaki Constituency Nomination Paper

page SOUTH TARANAKI GENERAL CONSTITUENCY NOMINATION PAPER To: Electoral Officer, Taranaki Regional Council PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 A. For the TWO NOMINATORS to complete (Nominators must be electors on the electoral roll for the South Taranaki General Constituency) We, the undersigned electors of South Taranaki General Constituency nominate (enter candidate details): with their consent, as a candidate for Member of the South Taranaki General

TRC Stratford Constituency Nomination Paper

page STRATFORD GENERAL CONSTITUENCY NOMINATION PAPER To: Electoral Officer, Taranaki Regional Council PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 A. For the TWO NOMINATORS to complete (Nominators must be electors on the electoral roll for the Stratford General Constituency) We, the undersigned electors of Stratford General Constituency nominate (enter candidate details): with their consent, as a candidate for Member of the Stratford General Constituency for the

TRC North Taranaki Constituency Nomination Paper

page NORTH TARANAKI GENERAL CONSTITUENCY NOMINATION PAPER To: Electoral Officer, Taranaki Regional Council PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 A. For the TWO NOMINATORS to complete (Nominators must be electors on the electoral roll for the North Taranaki General Constituency) We, the undersigned electors of North Taranaki General Constituency nominate (enter candidate details): with their consent, as a candidate for Member of the North Taranaki General

TRC New Plymouth Constituency Nomination Paper

page NEW PLYMOUTH GENERAL CONSTITUENCY NOMINATION PAPER To: Electoral Officer, Taranaki Regional Council PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 A. For the TWO NOMINATORS to complete (Nominators must be electors on the electoral roll for the New Plymouth General Constituency) We, the undersigned electors of New Plymouth General Constituency nominate (enter candidate details): with their consent, as a candidate for Member of the New Plymouth General Constituency

Pest Bulletin March 2022

everyone who's been in touch to report pest plants across the region recently. As a result, we've identified a couple of new sites where the Council has undertaken direct control in accordance with the Regional Pest Management Plan. If we did direct control on your property and you notice new growth on the remaining pest plants, or new seedlings, please contact us so we can get onto it quickly. There have also been a number of Notices of Direction issued to land occupiers to control their

TRC Annual Report 2020/2021 summary

xxxxxx Ad Size: M8X8, (25.4X36.6 cms width by height) STFD PRESS 6 Oct 2021 P/O# 4500003434 4x Full pages sent separately (25.4X36.6 cms width by height) $700 +gst per page 11428474 Stratford Press Run Of Paper Annual Report page 4Full Pg OPUNAKE COASTAL date: xxxxxxxx page size: 260x370mm P/O# 4500003503 HWA STAR - Lift ad from Midweek 7 Oct 2021 P/O# 4500003438 4x Full pages incl Centrespread Customer: TAR REGIONAL COUNCIL

SOE2022 Further Reading

BathingBeaches.pdf Taranaki Regional Council. 2020. Freshwater contact recreational water quality at selected Taranaki sites. State of the Environment monitoring report 2019-2020. Technical Report 2020-01. Environment/Monitoring-SOE/Freshwater-bathing/SEM20-FWrecreational.pdf Taranaki Regional Council. 2020. New Plymouth District Council New Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Plant Marine Outfall and Sludge Lagoon Annual Report 2019-2020. TRC

Image 5692 Opunake Power Ltd 15 March 2022

page Consent 5692-2.0 For General, Standard and Special conditions pertaining to this consent please see reverse side of this document Page 1 of 2 Doc# 3016811-v1 Land Use Consent Pursuant to the Resource Management Act 1991 a resource consent is hereby granted by the Taranaki Regional Council Name of Consent Holder: Opunake Power Limited Decision Date: 15 March 2022 Commencement Date: 5 April 2022 Conditions of Consent