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Annual report 2015-2016

to provide a technology report on two occasions, while Condition 20 requires an annual report. Condition 21 states that the consent holder must maintain a contingency plan for the site. Conditions 22 and 23 require the consent holder to meet with Council, iwi and interested parties regarding the operation and monitoring of the consent. Condition 24 is a review provision. NPDC holds discharge permit 2982-4 to cover the discharge of up to 60 m3/day of leachate from a sludge

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda June 2024

under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 14. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted

Rimu PS consent monitoring 2017-2018

be determined. Contaminated material from the excavation was being removed to a licenced land farm on Manawapou Road for remediation. There was no evidence of any ground water contamination. Iwi also inspected the site. A letter of explanation in relation to the incident was received and accepted and no further action was required. A re-inspection of the area in the vicinity of the pipeline leak adjacent to the Kauri-E well site was carried out on 27 March 2018. Repairs and surveys had

Osflo Fertiliser monitoring report 2017-2018

policies of particular relevance Policy number Commentary 3.2 The adverse effects of the discharge of contaminants to air on wāhi tapu and other places, areas or features of significance to iwi o Taranaki should be avoided, remedied or mitigated to the fullest extent practicable. Consultation The applicant has undertaken consultation with adjacent landowners and occupiers and as a result changes are being proposed to the site to address their key concerns. Any written

MR2018 OsfloFertiliser

policies of particular relevance Policy number Commentary 3.2 The adverse effects of the discharge of contaminants to air on wāhi tapu and other places, areas or features of significance to iwi o Taranaki should be avoided, remedied or mitigated to the fullest extent practicable. Consultation The applicant has undertaken consultation with adjacent landowners and occupiers and as a result changes are being proposed to the site to address their key concerns. Any written

Monitoring report 2015-2017

environment. Around the Taranaki coastline, particular reefs are regarded as property of particular hapu. Iwi and hapu associations with the six SEM reef sites are outlined in Table 1. page 2 2 Monitoring methodology 2.1 Site location The location of the six SEM rocky shore sites are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Table 1 Location of SEM rocky shore sites and iwi/hapu associations Site code Site location Location NZTM E/N Iwi/hapu SEA900095 Turangi

Annual report 2012-2013

qualitative intertidal ecological survey was undertaken at three reefs during low tide. The reefs were: Otaraoa Reef on the western boundary of the Pohokura gas field consented area; Epiha Reef on the eastern boundary of the consented area; and Turangi Reef, which is 1.5 km east of Epiha Reef and is used as a control site for routine monitoring. These reef sites are used by the Council as part of the resource consent compliance monitoring programme. They have also been used by north Taranaki iwi and