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Karen and Rod Brown

Taylor report has also avoided commenting on how controls should be enhanced and where existing controls might become less effective under the new operation. In terms of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space. 22. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of omission to conclude that the consent application falls

Taranaki Thoroughbred Racing consent monitoring 2017-2018

stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. TTR holds water permit 7470-1.2 to cover the take and use of groundwater from a bore for: • watering of racing tracks and general purposes at the TTR Club; • filling of water tanks for watering of New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) owned gardens; and • other

Compliance biomonitoring summary 2019-2020

found in summer conditions (average of 3 units difference according to SEM data) due to lower flows, longer time between freshes, lower dissolved oxygen, higher temperatures and more periphyton. page Table 1 Number and percentage of sites, including potentially impacted downstream (DS) sites, that fall into the macroinvertebrate health categories based on MCI ranges which has been adapted for Taranaki streams and rivers from Stark’s classification for Spring 2019 (105 …

Housing & Business Development Capacity Assessment 2019

have not been accurate. The graph below shows the projections released in 2002, versus the estimated population through to 2011 (labelled ‘revised estimate’). Statistics NZ’s medium projection was for the population to fall by 1,360 by 2011, when in fact it grew by 6,960. 6 The projections from 2048 onwards have been privately provided to NPDC by Statistics NZ under assumptions agreed to by NPDC.

Report 2012-2014

and enhancement activities (well workovers). 1.3 Resource consents 1.3.1 Water abstraction permit (groundwater) Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. GPL holds water permit 7067-1 to take groundwater during hydrocarbon exploration and production operations from up

Hydrocarbon compounds (BTEX) Taranaki air monitoring survey 2013

µg/m³) 3 (75%) Alert 66-100% of the guideline, (14.5-22 µg/m³) 0 (0%) page 6 Total number of samples 4 (100%) The levels of toluene and xylene obtained in the current work are far below ambient guideline values, and all results fall into ‘excellent’ Ministry’s air quality category. Three of the four benzene results were (at worst) within ‘acceptable’ MfE’s category and one result fell within the ‘good’ category. Comparison with other monitored sites in