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Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Northern Sites Annual Report 2022-2023

however the bung was missing allowing rainwater and possibly contaminants to discharge onto the ground. One solution would be to place an oliophillic mat below the pump to capture any hydrocarbon while allowing rainwater to drain, this was discussed with staff at the time of the inspection. Also discussed was the purposed and use of plastic matting under the rig. For some areas plastic matting is suitable, however for others the matting needs to be used to capture solid/liquid that falls from the

Good farming practice

prevent leachate from entering surface waterbodies, groundwater or stockwater. Site silage stacks so that overland flow of water from heavy rain cannot enter the stack. Site feed areas away from waterways. Distribute feed so as to minimise soil damage (from farm equipment and animals) and potential surface run-off to waterways, i.e. avoid Critical Source Areas. Deer: Make sure silage is made at the optimum moisture content to reduce possible leaching, recommended at 30% dry matter or more. Outdoor

Stratford District Council Closed Landfills Annual Report 2022-2023

site. The consent (7645-1) is held by Alby M Limited, and compliance monitoring of consent 7645-1 is not included in this report page 6 Results 2.2.1 Inspections 21 September 2022 It was raining with a light breeze at the time of the inspection. The cap was in good condition and was showing no signs of slumping. There was some ponding present, but the inspection was during a rain event, thus this would be expected. There was evidence of good stock rotation and

Aggradation in rivers & streams of the Taranaki ring plain

Punehu to Werekino Pouakai - Stony to Te Henui page 3 3.3 Stability The Kaitake Range is stable but in recent times landsliding has occurred on steeper southern slopes during high intensity rain storms resulting in downstream channel damage. The Pouakai Range is also displaying evidence of more recently increased landsliding and some channel deterioration in the north-eastern area in the upper Oakura River catchment. The majority of the range is stable. The least

Legal Submissions - TRC

These legal submissions are made on behalf of Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) and address the following questions that have arisen during the hearing: (a) Does the existing environment include the effects of the existing consent? (b) Is it open to the hearing panel to apply a permitted baseline? (c) Does the proposed activity fall within Rule 52 of the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki (RAQP)? (d) Is possible future residential zoning of the surrounding area part of the

Obtaining a resource consent

approval and the environmental effects are minor, a decision on the application will be made by the Council’s Director-Resource Management. It’s important to note that although most applications fall into this ‘non-notified’ category, hundreds of parties are consulted by resource consent applicants in Taranaki each year. If the effects are more than minor or an affected party does not give written approval, the application will have to be notified. People may then make submissions on the application.

Appendix D - Site Practices Plan

that silt or split waste does not enter the Haehunga Stream. The Site Manager to check the tracks daily during rain events otherwise weekly. page Site Practices Plan URUTI - REMEDIATION NZ LTD Page 5 Document No:RU-P-650-0300-A Revision No:1.2 Date:20-9-2018 Document Controller: C Kay 3.0 Site Management 3.1 Composting Process 3.1.1 Temperature The Site Manager to ensure windrow temperatures are kept between 50 and 75 °C Turn weekly for rows

What is meant by swimmability - Sir Peter Gluckman, PM's Chief Science Advisor

rainfall events, or if animals have direct access to waterways. Human faecal contamination of waterways can occur via poorly treated sewage or septic tank systems, or during heavy rain when sewerage systems cannot cope and they overflow into stormwater systems. Because of these heightened health risks from runoff and stormwater, people are often advised to avoid swimming for 48 hours after prolonged or heavy rain. There are two distinct components to assessing the suitability of a site for