Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1929 results.

November 2024 climate summary

November continued the trend we’ve had pretty much all year for lower than average rainfall with our gauges recording an average of 125.3mm for the month – that's about 13% less than usual. Only four months this year – January, April, August and September – have seen higher than average rainfall and on average there has been 12% less than normal across all rain gauges. Year-to-date rainfall is lowest at Waitotara at Hawken Rd with 27% less rainfall than normal, Pohokura Saddle has had the

Hollard highlights

As the soil temperature drops and the rain falls, we eagerly embark on our year-long, much-anticipated winter projects. Winter is a season of opportunities at Hollard Garden. It’s the perfect time to relocate shrubs and trees to better locations, divide Hostas, Heliniums, Rudbeckias and other herbaceous perennials and finally allow potted plants to spread their roots into the subsoil. As the soil temperature drops and the rain falls, we eagerly embark on our year-long, much-anticipated winter

TRC October 2022 Rainfall Data

rain (mm) and percentage of long-term mean page Table 1: October 2022 - Rainfall totals at 27 rain gauge sites in Taranaki Hydro_Sites # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began N Egmont VC 21 469.0 62 6997.0 120 101 1991 Dawson Falls 19 501.5 94 7332.0 145 124 1933 Kahui Hut 21 306.0 60 5265.0 121 101 2006 Forest Hill 16 289.0 91 3798.5 128 106

TRC November 2022 RainFall Data

Map1a. YTD total rain (mm) and percentage of long-term mean page Table 1: Table 1: Rainfall monthly and year to date totals at 27 rain gauge sites in Taranaki. page November Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began N Egmont VC 24 755.5 154 7752.5 123 112 1991 Dawson Falls 26 634.0 151 7966.0 146 135 1933


Taranaki. August Year to Date Rain Gauge # days with rain Total Rainfall (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 19 1843.5 279 5954.5 139 89 1991 Dawson Falls 20 1801.0 387 6322.0 211 140 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 20 1237.5 264 4526.5 143 92 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 16 665.5 162 3240.5 139 91 2017 Waiwhakaiho at Hillsborough

July 2022 Report

page Map1: Rain gauge sites Table 1: Rainfall monthly and year to date totals at 27 rain gauge sites in Taranaki. July Year to Date Hydro_Sites # Zero Rain days Total Rainfall (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 6 1196.0 179.9 4111.000 113.9 61.1 1991 Dawson Falls 4 1418.5 296.4 4521.000 178.9 100.5

September 2022 Monthly Rainfall Report

of long-term mean. Table 1: Rainfall monthly and year to date totals at 27 rain gauge sites in Taranaki. page September Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began N Egmont VC 22 573.5 87 6528.0 129 95 1991 Dawson Falls 24 508.5 91 6830.5 151 116 1933 Kahui Hut 24 432.5

April 2024 rainfall

There was a north-south divide in Taranaki rainfall last month with Manganui at Everett Park having 74% more rain than usual compared with the 60% less rain at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd. The average rainfall for the region was 166.1mm, 11% more than usual, and year to date rainfall ranges from 41% less rainfall at Waitotara at Hawken Rd, and 16% more rainfall at Kotare at OSullivans, with an average of 11% less than normal. Mean river flows were 36% greater than typical values, low flows were 2.4%

Can I swim here?

Find out if it's safe to swim at your local river, lake or beach. Recreational water quality Every Tuesday, from 1 November to 31 March, TRC check the water quality at 41 recreational rivers, lakes and beach sites all over Taranaki. Water sampling results take 3 days from the time of testing to publishing on our website. If you plan to swim today, here are some signs to look out for before jumping into the water. Has it rained in the last three days? Rain washes contaminants from land into

AN014 Lake Rotorangi SoE Annual Report 2021-2024

LRT000450 LRT000300 LRT000450 21 Oct 2021 76.95 Overcast; rain in last week No wind No wind Slightly turbid, green-brown; flat Slightly turbid, green-brown; flat 21 Feb 2022 77.35 Heavy rain week prior, warm, calm, dry No wind Light breeze Turbid, brown, flat Turbid, brown; flat 21 Mar 2022 76.47 Moderate rain, heavy rain overnight, overcast Light breeze Light breeze Clear, dark green; rippled Slightly turbid, brown; rippled 29 Jun