Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1929 results.

May 2022 hydrology report

page Monthly Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days > 0.5 mm Total Rainfall (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 17 713.0 112.0 2257.0 99.2 33.6 1991 Dawson Falls 16 555.0 120.1 2196.5 139.5 48.8 1933 Kahui Hut 20 563.5 125.2 1665.0 101.3 34.5 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 17 450.5 118.6 1512.0

Site 75

rainfall sites recorded figures well above their averages for the three winter months. Our site at Patea recorded rainfall figures that were 167% above its average amount for those months, yet it was still the driest of our 27 rainfall monitoring sites around the region. Perhaps you could spare a thought for the people working in the Dawson Falls area, as a staggering 2,723mls of rain fell at that site over the winter period. Congratulations to the 55 schools, 51 early

February 2024 rainfall

We had a mostly dry February in Taranaki with average rainfall of 63.5mm – 44% less than usual for the month. Brooklands Zoo at New Plymouth had 78% less rain than normal while Omaru at Charlies (in the Southern Hill Country) had 8% less rain than an average February. The dry trend which started in January continued with year to date rainfall an average 22% less than normal, including 48% less at Pātea at Stratford. Mean river flows for February were 45% of typical values, low flows were 29%

September 2024 rainfall

The wet weather we had in August continued last month with an average of 169.7mm – or 9% more than usual. There was 46% more than usual at Tawhiti at Duffys while Motunui M39 at Weston W3 had 41% less than normal. Year-to-date rainfall is lowest at Waitotara at Hawken Rd with 30% less rainfall than normal, Pohokura Saddle has had the highest year-to-date rainfall with 1% more than normal, on average there has been 14% less than normal across all rain gauges. Mean river flows for September were

June 2022 hydrology report

page Map1: Rain gauge sites Table 1: Rainfall monthly and year to date totals at 27 rain gauge sites in Taranaki. June Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days > 0.5 mm Total Rainfall (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 8 658.0 98.4 2915.0 99.0 43.4 1991 Dawson Falls 5 906.0 191.2 3102.5 151.4 68.9 1933 Kahui

April 2022 hydrology report

page Monthly Year to Date Hydro_Sites # days > 0.5 mm Total Rainfall (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 14 342.5 70.0 1544.0 94.2 23.0 1991 Dawson Falls 14 379.5 105.9 1641.5 147.5 *36.5 1933 Kahui Hut 17 280.5 72.2 1101.5 92.3 22.8 2006 Mangorei Upper 10 112.0 41.9 1061.5 128.7 29.7 2017 Hillsborough 5

August 2024 rainfall

across all rain gauges. Mean river flows for August were 17.6% lower than typical values, low flows were 7.9% greater, and high flows 27.5% greater than typical values. The maximum river flow recorded was 698.2 m3/sec at Waitara at Bertrand Rd, on 27 August after heavy rainfall at the month. Mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 10°C, an average of 0.1°C cooler than long-term August values. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 10.8°C, which is 0.8°C

December 2023 rainfall

December was a slightly drier and warmer month than usual for most of Taranaki with 159.1mm of rainfall – 3% less than usual. There was 3% less rainfall than average, ranging from 60% less rain at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd to 61% more rain than normal at Waiwhakaiho at Hillsborough. The year's rainfall ranges from 12% less rainfall at Omahine at Moana Trig, and 10% more rainfall at Omaru at Charlies, with an average of 2% less than a normal year. The average air temperature for Taranaki was

November 2023 rainfall

November was a slightly wetter and cooler month than usual for most of Taranaki with 143.9mm of rainfall – 3% more than usual. There was 3% more rainfall than average, ranging from 32% less rain at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd to 39% more rain than normal at Waiwhakaiho at Hillsborough. Year to date rainfall ranges from 11% less rainfall at Pohokura Saddle, and 12% more rainfall at Omaru at Charlies, with an average of 2% less than normal. The average air temperature for Taranaki was 13.5°C, which is

February 2022 Hydrology Report

maximum rainfall being 139.0 mm recorded in October 1998. Rainfall intensities were high for this event, with more than 44 mm of rain in a hour being recorded in two separate occasions at the site. Patea, Hawera, Manaia and Te Kiri also recorded extreme rainfall during February with rainfall ranging between 578% and 666% of normal. Te Maunga recorded between 221% and 273% of normal rainfall, with North Egmont recording its second highest February rainfall on record with 869.5mm and Dawson falls