of rain and are outside of the discharge mixing zone. The stretch of the Piakau
Stream between these two points has very high, steep banks which would not permit easy escape in the
event of rising waters.
The results indicate that the discharge was not affecting the water quality of the Piakau Stream and was in
compliance with all applicable consent conditions for receiving waters at the times of sampling.
Table 3 Receiving environment results for the Piakau Stream, 29 June 2020
Taranaki By Products Air and Water Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021
discharge emissions into
the air 2022 2028
2.2.1 Water abstraction permit
Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any
water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a
regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14.
Silver Fern Farms holds water permit 1091-4 to take water from a dam and intake
structure on the Tawhiti Stream for general use in a meat processing plant and
during heavy rainfall, however this had been unblocked. The
new shed at the front of the site has a settling pond which stormwater drains through into the ground, and
this was observed to be coping with the volume of rain at the time.
24 May 2021
The site was busy with normal operations. In the area of high traffic between the scrap area and factory,
swarf was observed tracking to the drains. Drain screens were in place. All hazardous chemicals onsite were
appropriately contained and
2 Results
2.1 Inspections
12 August 2019
An inspection was undertaken of the Osflo fertiliser facility, located at 1319 Mountain Road, North of
Inglewood. The weather was overcast with intermittent heavy rain and strong North Westerly winds. The
inspection was undertaken with the Osflo site manager whom escorted the officer for the duration of the
inspection. This was the first inspection of the 2019-2020 monitoring period. The site area, including the site
office; truck wash down …
of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is
expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular
categories set out in Section 14. Permits authorising the abstraction of water are issued by the Council
under Section 87(d) of the RMA.
Water discharge permits
Section 15(1)(a) of the RMA stipulates that no person may discharge any contaminant into water, unless the
activity is
B K Raine
C S Williamson
Apologies Councillor N W Walker
Notification of Late Items
Item Page Subject
Item 1 3 Confirmation of Minutes
Item 2 12 Regional Transport Committee Minutes
Item 3 18 Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes
Item 4 25 Policy and Planning Committee Minutes
Item 5 31 Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes
Item 6 37 Joint Committee Minutes
Item 7 49 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan - Initial Planning
Item 8 52 Triennial
Policy and Planning Agenda 19 March 2024
illustrated in Figure 4, the
vast majority of pasture irrigation in Taranaki does take place within Zones 2, 3, 4 and 5, which represents a
10 km wide belt of coastal land stretching from Oakura to Waitotara.
1.1.7 Irrigation systems
In general there are two types of irrigation methods; surface and pressurised. The majority of irrigation
systems currently in operation in the region fall in to the pressurised category. Pressurised systems can be
further differentiated based on the method of