upon receipt of the asset
if the asset has a useful life of 12 months or more, and the current value of the asset is readily obtainable and significant.
Significant donated assets for which current values are not readily obtainable are not recognised. For an asset to be
sold, the asset is impaired if the market price for an equivalent asset falls below its carrying amount. For an asset to be
used by the Trust, the asset is impaired if the value to the Trust in using the asset falls
readily obtainable and significant.
Significant donated assets for which current values are not readily obtainable are not recognised. For an asset to be
sold, the asset is impaired if the market price for an equivalent asset falls below its carrying amount. For an asset to be
used by the Trust, the asset is impaired if the value to the Trust in using the asset falls below the carrying amount of the
Work in progress is recorded at cost. Cost includes expenditure which is directly
current values are not readily obtainable are not recognised. For an asset to be
sold, the asset is impaired if the market price for an equivalent asset falls below its carrying amount. For an asset to be
used by the Trust, the asset is impaired if the value to the Trust in using the asset falls below the carrying amount of the
Work in progress is recorded at cost. Cost includes expenditure which is directly attributable to the acquisition of an
asset. Capital work in
Deferred capital investment in infrastructure, such as the Falls Dam on
the Manuherekia River, is likely to remain on hold while uncertainties around
future minimum flow(s) of water bodies persist.33 In short, uncertainty around
access to water and the reliability of future supply, is eroding business (farmer)
[53] Meantime, PC7 not only impacts decisions requiring significant capital
outlay, e.g. irrigation infrastructure and storage, but also less visible
Councillor C S Williamson
Councillor D L Lean (ex officio)
Councillor D N MacLeod (ex officio)
Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi Representative)
Members Councillor G Boyde (Stratford District Council)
Mr J Hooker (Iwi Representative)
Councillor R Jordan (New Plymouth District Council)
Mr P Muir (Taranaki Federated Farmers)
Councillor P Nixon (South Taranaki District Council)
Mr M Ritai (Iwi Representative)
Apologies Councillor B K Raine
Notification of Late Items
western side; and the other cells also contained muds but due to storm water
ingress after recent heavy rains it was not possible to determine quantities. It was noted
that Mi Swaco are looking to relinquish responsibility for the site, it was outlined that
all materials will need to be land-farmed prior to consent surrender. As the site would
likely be used to store water treatment sludge it was agreed that all cells would be
scraped completely clean and the materials stockpiled into one cell in
D H McIntyre
B K Raine
N W Walker
C S Williamson
Notification of Late Items
Item Page Subject
Item 1 3 Confirmation of Minutes
Item 2 12 Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes
Item 3 17 Policy and Planning Committee Minutes
Item 4 23 Executive Audit and Risk Committee Minutes
Item 5 28 Productivity Commission draft report on local government funding
and finance
Item 6 36 Central Government co-investment in river management for flood
undertaken in conjunction with discharge sampling at points
upstream (PIK000159) and downstream (PIK000166) of the discharge. The results are presented in Table 3
and the sampling sites are shown in Figure 1. These sites were chosen because they provide safe access to
the stream during periods of rain and are outside of the discharge mixing zone. The stretch of the Piakau
Stream between these two points has very high, steep banks which would not permit easy escape in the
event of rising waters.
Todd Energy Aquatic Centre consent monitoring report.
facility was also inspected. This area was found to be in a satisfactory
condition with no odour or unauthorised waste disposal issues noted.
27 November 2017
An inspection was conducted in showery weather with very light wind conditions. The monthly rainfall was
60.5 mm of rain as recorded at the Stratford TRC weather station.
The step screen was operating and wastes were fully contained. The influent flow rate was measured as 37.6
m3/hr (17 L/s). The pond was a turbid green colour,