Loading your bike
Squeeze bike rack handle
up to release lower rack.
Lift bike onto rack with front
wheel facing toward yellow
support arm and fit wheels
into clearly labelled slots.
Raise support arm over front
tyre so the hook rests on the
top of the front wheel.
Remove any loose items from
the bike that could fall off
while the bus is moving. Let
the driver know you’re going
to load your bike.
Please remember that loading
Loading your bike
Squeeze bike rack handle
up to release lower rack.
Lift bike onto rack with front
wheel facing toward yellow
support arm and fit wheels
into clearly labelled slots.
Raise support arm over front
tyre so the hook rests on the
top of the front wheel.
Remove any loose items from
the bike that could fall off
while the bus is moving. Let
the driver know you’re going
to load your bike.
fishing expeditions,
and no surprises all the aunts had their special fishing places too - the
pear tree, the quince, the apple tree, the wire, the papa, to name a few.
4 As children my siblings and I had very strict instructions not to make
noise or let our shadow fall on the water, where the net was. What was
caught was shared among whanau as this was a welcome customary
practice. It doesn't seem that long ago. Back then the mud wasn't
smelly and we could freely mould and shape objects,
Given that the Council can only consider policies that relate to the matters over which
the Council has reserved control through the plan itself, the Council is unable to take into account matters
that fall outside this scope.
In terms of the notification assessment and when deciding whether a person is an affected person, the Council
is limited in terms of matters that it can take into account when determining an application for a controlled
Operations and
Positive The site is in good vegetative condition.
Other Management Issues
Weeds - Medium There are many weeds impinging on the values of this site
including climbing asparagus, wandering willy, wild ginger,
Japanese honeysuckle, African clubmoss, brush wattle and wild
Predators - Medium Predators such as rats, mustelids, possums, hedgehogs and feral
cats will be having an impact on the site.
Possum Self-help The site falls outside the rural Possum Self
Executive Audit and Risk agenda February 2024 v2
Policy and Planning Committee Agenda August 2023
adequately addressed under other provisions of the Plan and do not require
repeating. Section 5.1 explains that the policies apply to all activities within the
coastal environment, regardless of the activity to be authorised and which coastal
management area the activity may fall within. Policy 33 must therefore be read in
conjunction with each of the other relevant policies, including all the General Policies.
Together these policies address the matters covered in the
2020 and August 2020
which was attributed to insufficient decontamination of sampling equipment between sites. The decision
was made to transfer sampling responsibility STDC to the Council from December 2020 to ensure robust
sampling methodology were being applied. Subsequent sampling found no evidence was found to suggest
the WWTP is affecting water quality down gradient of the disposal fields.
On 26 August 2020 and 16 June 2021 Waiinu Beach campground experienced ponding after heavy rain