Surrey Road Telemetry $5,500.00 per year
Standard hydrometric equipment $1,949.20 per year
Tangahoe hydrometric equipment $680.90 per year
Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (lower) $1,730.30 per year
Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (upper) $1,070.30 per year
Waingongoro hydrometric equipment $830.50 per year
Waitaha hydrometric equipment $8,091.60 per year
Rain Gauge Calibration $336.60 per deployment
Chlorine Meter $20.80 per use
Drone $132.00 per day
considerations justify otherwise. The representation of the Stratford and South Taranaki
constituencies falls outside the stipulated range. The Council considers that the Stratford Constituency
warrants one member and the South Taranaki Constituency warrants three members for the following
• the proposed representation reflects the status quo (with only minor proposed boundary changes),
which is well understood and accepted by the regional community.
• the constituency boundaries are
control at
water intake 9/03/2000 - Expired*
7 5736-2 Discharge treated wastewater to
land (Eltham Road) 9/07/2012 June 2023 1/06/2026
8 5739-2 Structure for pipeline crossing of
Waingongoro River 14/12/2000 June 2023 1/06/2035
9 6455-1 Structure for piping of unnamed
tributary 20/09/2004 - 1/06/2023
Note-* Consent expired and did not require renewal as the activity now falls under the permitted activity rules
1.3.1 Water abstraction permit
Section 14 of the
plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14.
The Company holds three permits to abstract water.
8 Waingongoro River
The Company holds water permit 0596-3 to take water from the Waingongoro River
for operation of an ammonia/urea plant. This consent was issued by the Council on
31 August 2012 under Section 87 (d) of the RMA. It is due to expire on 1 June 2035.
There are fifteen special conditions attached to this
stock access to
streams as a probable primary contributor to these elevated numbers although the
cumulative impacts of consented dairy pond discharges also contribute, particularly
under lower flow conditions]. Water temperatures varied over a moderate range of
7.8°C with a maximum (mid-morning) temperature of 17.4°C in February 2014
during a period of very low flow conditions. Dissolved oxygen saturation did not fall
below 88% during the period, with this minimum recorded under a period of
Weedbusters Taranaki guide 2022
of the cliffs. As this coastal area is considered ’high energy’, and also that there is
only a very narrow strip of beach (at low tide only), any waters emerging from the cliff would be swiftly
mixed and dispersed. Any effects on groundwater quality or coastal water quality would be negligible. In
general, the creation of stable interlocked layers of green waste ensures that it does not fall off, or get
blown off the cliffs and down onto the coastal marine area or into the sea.
From …
NPDC Urenui and Onaero Beach Camps Annual Report 2022-2023
indicated that all discharges had occurred when the river flow was above the
consented 5 m³/s.
The Waiongana Stream hydrology displays a natural rapid rise and fall (typical of Taranaki ring plain
streams) which allows for a limited window of opportunity when treated wastewater can be discharged
above the minimum consent limit. The consent holder has access to the Taranaki Regional Council web site
(, which provides current river flow and water levels for the Waiongana Stream
Councillor B K Raine
Councillor C S Williamson (via Zoom)
Councillor D L Lean (ex officio)
Representative Ms E Bailey (Iwi Representative)
Members Councillor G Boyde (Stratford District Council)
Mr J Hooker (Iwi Representative)
Councillor R Jordan (New Plymouth District Council)
Mr P Muir (Taranaki Federated Farmers)
Councillor C Coxhead (South Taranaki District Council)
Mr M Ritai (Iwi Representative)
Apologies Councillor D N MacLeod (ex officio)
Councillor P Nixon (South