Your search for '53 cumming street' returned 1545 results.

NPDC Coastal Structures Biennial Report 2022-2024

structure in Hongihongi Stream 21 Table 7 Summary of performance for Consent 4594-2 outlet structure Mangaotuku Stream 22 Table 8 Summary of performance for Consent 4595-3 Eliot Street outfall 22 Table 9 Summary of performance for Consent 4596-2 two stormwater outlet structures at Fitzroy and East End Beaches 22 Table 10 Summary of performance for Consent 4598-2 stormwater outlet, Waitara 23 Table 11 Summary of performance for Consent 4900-2 stormwater outfall structure at Waitara 23 Table 12

Waikaikai Landfarm consent monitoring 2017-2018

GND2294 Site GND2294 GND2294 Collected 16 Jan 2018 22 Jun 2018 Parameter Time 11:45 11:10 Barium Acid Soluble g/m3 0.006 <0.11 Barium (dissolved) g/m3 0.006 <0.005 Chloride g/m3 53.4 53 Conductivity mS/m@20°C 33.2 36.6 Sodium g/m3 31.2 34 pH pH 7.5 7.7 Temperature °C 18.1 14.2 C7-C9 TPH g/m3 <0.06 <0.06 C10-C14 TPH g/m3 <0.2 <0.2 C15-C36 TPH g/m3 <0.4 <0.4 C7- C36 TPH g/m3 <0.7 <0.7 Benzene g/m3 <0.0010 <0.0010 Ethylbenzene g/m3 <0.0010

Council meeting agenda September 2018

accidents at the SH3 Northgate/Watson Street intersection, New Plymouth adjacent to his car sale business. The NZ Transport Agency provided an update on Mr MacDonald’s concerns that have been expressed to the Agency and the Agency’s response to the matter to date. The Agency is working through possible solutions that will be reported back to the Committee in due course. Mr MacDonald was thanked for his deputation. 1. Confirmation of Minutes – 13 June 2018 Resolved THAT

Better Travel Choices Consultation with questions

and don’t always go where people need them to. Whilst we have many great bus routes and services around Taranaki, there are still several barriers to active and shared travel: page TARANAKI Our local streets will be spaces and places that are safe, shaded, and sustainable hubs of social and community activity, where people from all walks of life and cultures can connect to share experiences face to face. Low-traffic school streets will enable our children to experience

Better Travel Choices Consultation Document

and don’t always go where people need them to. Whilst we have many great bus routes and services around Taranaki, there are still several barriers to active and shared travel: page TARANAKI Our local streets will be spaces and places that are safe, shaded, and sustainable hubs of social and community activity, where people from all walks of life and cultures can connect to share experiences face to face. Low-traffic school streets will enable our children to experience

Annual report 2016-2017

STOS Deep Well Injection consent compliance monitoring report.

Remediation Hearing Gibson Supplementary

STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF DAVID PAUL GIBSON DATED 19 MARCH 2021 Environmental Consultancy: Counsel acting: Landpro limited 57 Vivian Street New Plymouth 9342 Attention: Kathryn Hooper Tel: 0277592044 Email: John Maassen - BARRISTER - @ \. 049141050 .;;. 044733179 page " Page 12 1 The purpose of this supplementary statement is to provide the Panel with further evidence concerning Remediation


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting February 2017.