Your search for '53 cumming street' returned 1545 results.

Bee Card

St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 188 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am-6pm Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-12pm Saturday Waitara Library at 15 Queen Street | 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday,9am-6pm Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-12pm Saturday Stratford i-SITE inside the Stratford Library in Prospero Place | 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm Saturdays South Taranaki i-SITE at 55 High

Regional Transport Committee Agenda June 2022

Submission for endorsement - Road User Charges System review 53 7. Changes to speed management planning 60 8. Transport Policy Updates 65 9. Strategic case for freight and logging 74 10. Updates from Territorial Authorities 86 11. General Business Taranaki Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Agenda 2 page Date 1 June 2022 Subject: Confirmation of Minutes - 3 March 2022 Approved by: M J Nield, Director - Corporate Services S J Ruru, Chief Executive

Buses and Bee Cards free for Car Free Day

Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am-6pm Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-12pm Saturday Waitara Library at 15 Queen Street | 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday,9am-6pm Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-12pm Saturday Stratford i-SITE inside the Stratford Library in Prospero Place | 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday,

Regional Walkways and Cycleways Strategy for Taranaki

methods 31 6.1 Policies and targets 31 6.2 Methods 35 6.3 Policy matrix 38 CHAPTER SEVEN – Implementation plan 40 7.1 Regional strategic framework 40 7.2 Regional network opportunities 42 CHAPTER EIGHT - Funding 53 8.1 Introduction 53 8.2 Funding opportunities 53 CHAPTER NINE - Monitoring and review 56 9.1 Monitoring 56 9.2 Review 56 page iv R E G IO N A L W A LKW A YS A N D C YC LE W A YS S T R A T E G Y F O R T A R A N A K I 2 0 0 7

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda June 2022

d) sets that the Council’s rates and charges will become due and payable at the principal offices and service centres of the region’s district councils. The rates and charges can also be paid at the principal office of the Taranaki Regional Council e) notes that all rates set are inclusive of GST f) appoints the New Plymouth District Council, the Stratford District Council and the South Taranaki District Council, pursuant to section 53 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, to

Regional Transport Committee Agenda March 2022

a few areas affected by last weekend’s flooding, Parihaka Road received severe damage to the bridge.  Road to Zero – have been trying to get a consultant to do some design work/investigation work for sites however, finding consultants at the moment is very difficult.  Working on a plan for the business park intersections. NPDC – Rui Leitao & Stuart Knarston  Will be combining the street lighting contract with Stratford. The tender for this contract will close on 10 March.

Schoolbus R95 Highlands Intermediate to Ariki Street Timetable Jan 2025

page HIGHLANDS NPBHS OMATA RD ARIKI ST 95 3.30PM 3.15PM 3.20PM RO G AN S T FILLIS ST SCHOOL SERVICE* ROUTE 95 Highlands Intermediate to Ariki Street AFTERNOON ONLY Schools only Routes: 91, 92, 93 & 95 run from designated school to Ariki St. School and Orbiter routes only operate during the school term. Ph 0800 87 22 87 TaranakiPublicTransport INGLEWOOD ELTHAM STRATFORD ŌPUNAKE HĀWERA NEW PLYMOUTH WAITARA

Annual report 2012-2013

Conductivity mS/m 400 220 complies SAR - 18 2.8 complies Total Soluble Salts mg/kg 2500 1419 complies Benzene mg/kg 1.1 <0.05 complies Toluene mg/kg 68 <0.05 complies Ethylbenzene mg/kg 53 <0.05 complies Xylenes mg/kg 48 <0.05 complies Napthalene mg/kg 7.2 <0.13 complies Pyrene mg/kg 160 <0.03 complies Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg 0.027 <0.03 complies Arsenic mg/kg 20 <2 complies Cadmium mg/kg 1 <0.10 complies Chromium mg/kg 600 16 complies Copper mg/kg 100 8

General queries

transfers must occur within an hour of purchasing your first ticket). How do I reach the central supermarkets and The Warehouse by bus? Route 7 Welbourn (outward trip) can be used from the Bus Centre Hub to get up to those supermarkets located between Leach and Courtenay Streets. The following stops are relevant: Liardet Street (walking distance to New World supermarket). Courtenay Street (outside The Warehouse, opposite New World). Leach Street (by Mobil Service Station, opposite Woolworths). Route 6