Kauri Street
has been reversed, allowing easier
turning access from Mangorei
“The aim has been to enhance the
service coverage in these areas
and balance the travel time for the
two routes,” says the Taranaki
Regional Council's Transport
Services Manager, Chris Clarke.
“We understand the changes may
cause some inconvenience as
people adjust. However, they
provide greater opportunities for
existing and new users.”
Revised timetables are available
Park and
on the eastern bank of the river from Gold
Street to Norman Street. This will take place in
the coming summer months.
A one-in-100-year flow in the Waitara River is
estimated at around 3,800 cubic metres per
second which is more than twice the highest
flow measured at 1,640 cubic metres on 20
June. A one-in-100-year flood would be about
2.5 metres higher, with a substantially higher
flow velocity.
The upgrade at Waitara is resulting in a continuous
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA200403889
Completed on: 13 Apr 2020
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Opunake and Districts Business Association Inc
Contact Name K R [Bob] Clark
Email shaftoenz@gmail.com
Contact phone number 0274 845 451
Postal Address: 45 Gisborne Terrace, Opunake 4616
Street address of property affected (if different to the
address above)
The Council will serve all formal
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA200403125
Completed on: 09 Apr 2020
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Kenneth Robert Clark
Contact Name Bob Clark
Email shaftoenz@gmail.com
Contact phone number 0274 845 451
Postal Address: 45 Gisborne Terrace, Opunake 4616
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA190208631
Completed on: 10 Feb 2019
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Paora Laurence
Contact Name Paora Laurence
Email manawakaha@hotmail.com
Contact phone number 0273897868
Postal Address: 5 Melrose Street, Spotswood, New Plymouth 4310
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents
Rating impact
The following are examples of the level of total rates that different groups of ratepayers will incur in 2022/2023
under this Plan. All figures are GST exclusive. These figures are calculated on the equalised capital value of each
district. The actual rates struck will be on the unequalised capital value. Accordingly, there will be some
differences (expected to be minor) between the figures below and the final rates figures charged.
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA200402721
Completed on: 08 Apr 2020
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Robert England
Contact Name Rob
Email eltlaw@xtra.co.nz
Contact phone number 7648028
Postal Address: PO Box 22, Eltham 4353
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the email address provided
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA190208645
Completed on: 10 Feb 2019
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Urs Signer
Contact Name Urs Signer
Email urspetersigner@gmail.com
Contact phone number 067638297
Postal Address: 6484A South Road, RD 35, Opunake 4685
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA190209631
Completed on: 11 Feb 2019
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Rawiri McClutchie
Contact Name Rawiri McClutchie
Email rawiri.carla@yahoo.co.nz
Contact phone number 027 555 0384
Postal Address: 1 Whitcombe Street, RD 3, New Plymouth 4373
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents