Your search for '53 cumming street' returned 1544 results.

Summer 2014-2015

Statistical results summary for the Kaupokonui River at the beach domain 56 Table 53 Bacterial guidelines performance at the Kaupokonui River beach domain site [% of 13 samples] 59 Table 54 Summary of E. coli bacteriological water quality data (nos/100ml) for all summer surveys in the Kaupokonui River at the Beach Domain 59 Table 55 Percentage benthic cyanobacteria cover for the Kaupokonui River, Beach Domain site 60 Table 56 Analytical results for Lake Opunake 62 Table 57

Revised Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - June 2020

page Application to Taranaki Regional Council for Renewal of Resource Consents Prepared for Remediation New Zealand Ltd Revised in June 2020 to incorporate further information and response to submissions page ii Prepared For Remediation New Zealand Limited Prepared By Landpro Ltd 57 Vivian Street NEW PLYMOUTH …

Summer 2011-2012

Kaupokonui River at Beach Domain 44 Compliance with guidelines 48 page ii Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 48 3.2.10 Lake Opunake 49 Compliance with guidelines 51 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 51 Cyanobacteria 52 3.2.11 Timaru Stream at Weld Road (near mouth) 53 Compliance with guidelines 55 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 55 3.2.12 Oakura River below SH45 56

Eltham waste water plant monitoring 2019-2020

Council (STDC) operates a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located on Castle Street at Eltham, in the Waingongoro catchment. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the STDC’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of STDC’s …

Mangati Catchment Joint Annual Report 2022-2023

12.2.1 Inspections 49 12.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 49 12.2.3 Air inspections 50 12.2.4 Deposition gauging 50 12.3 Incidents, investigations, and interventions 50 12.4 Evaluation of performance 51 13 Tegel Foods Limited – Poultry Processing Plant 53 13.1 Site description 53 13.2 Results 54 13.2.1 Inspections 54 13.2.2 Results of receiving environment monitoring 55 De Havilland Drive stormwater discharges 55 page iv

Soil Health

page ‘Since 1995, the Council has monitored the soil quality of different soils used for different purposes in the Taranaki region.’ page 53 Land Soil health Taranaki has very few long-term issues with soil health. Soil quality monitoring aims to track any changes in the region’s soils, allowing land users to make well-informed decisions to prevent or minimise the effect of their land use on soil health. Since 1995, the Council has monitored the quality of

Annual report 2016-2017

Waverley Sawmills consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017

Annual report 2014-2015

Greymouth Petroleum Kowhai-B hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Outfall bacteriological report 2012-2013

In July 2012 notifications were received concerning two overflows from the Queen Street pump station and the Richmond Street Pump Station in Waitara. These notifications raised concerns with Council staff regarding frequency of events and whether the contingency plan was adhered to. A letter of explanation was provided by NPDC and accepted by the Council. NPDC were found to have operated in accordance with the approved Incident Response Plan. On 9 September 2012 notification was