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AN014 Lake Rotorangi SoE Annual Report 2021-2024

interval assessment method of McBride (2019). As a result of this change, the confidence in the reported trend direction (ranging from 50 to 100%) is now categorised as in Table 5. Table 5 Confidence categorisation for trend direction results Confidence Category Confidence in reported trend direction Very Likely Improving 90 – 100% Likely Improving 67 – 90% Indeterminate 50 – 67% Likely Degrading 67 – 90% Very Likely Degrading 90 – 100% In the case of parameters that

Impact Assessment & Cost-Benefit Analyses

.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 67 5.10 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 71 Appendix A: Section 71 of the BSA ................................................................................................................................................................................. 77 Appendix B: Section 6 of

Compliance biomonitoring summary 2019-2020

AWY000115^ 56 70 74 page Compliance programme Waterway Spring Survey Summer Survey Site code MCI Site code MCI Kaimiro Production Station Unnamed tributaries of the Mangaoraka Stream MRK000198^ MRK000207^ 76 78 Mangati Stream; Bell Block Industrial Area Mangati Stream MGT000491^ MGT000497^ MGT000500^ MGT000512^ MGT000520^ MGT000550^ 73 69 68 67 65 68 MGT000488* MGT000490^ …