Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 906 results.

Annual report 2014-2015 Bristol Road site (MGN000427) 63 Discussion 66 3.2.8 Maketawa Stream 67 Derby Road site (MKW000200) 67 Tarata Road site (MKW000300) 70 Discussion 73 3.2.9 Waitara River 74 Mamaku Road site (WTR000850) 74 Community composition 75 Temporal trends in 1995 to 2015 data 76 Discussion 77 3.2.10 Mangati Stream 78 Site downstream of railbrige (MGT000488) 78 Te Rima Place, Bell Block site

Periphyton monitoring 2016-2018

56 Periphyton biomass 57 Summary of 2002-2018 (16 year data set) 58 Long term trend analysis 59 Punehu Stream 62 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 63 Periphyton cover 63 Periphyton Index Score 64 Periphyton biomass 65 Summary of 2002-2018 (16 year data set) 66 Long term trend analysis 67 Waingongoro River 70 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 71 Periphyton cover 71 Periphyton Index Score 73 Periphyton biomass 73

Taranaki climate trends, hazards & extremes - synthesis report

rainfall extremes 58 4.5 Changes in Winds 58 4.6 Tropical cyclones 61 4.7 Drought 61 4.7.1 Climate change scenarios 61 4.7.2 Change in Average Potential Evapotranspiration Deficit 62 4.7.3 Change in Return Period 64 5. Impacts of climate change and drought in Taranaki 67 5.1 Impacts 67 5.1.1 Temperature 67 5.1.2 Precipitation 67 5.1.3 Flooding 67 5.1.4 Drought 67 5.1.5 Wildfire 68 6. Knowledge Gaps 68 7. References 70 8. Appendices 74 8.1 Analysis of

Report 2010-2012

analysis 59 2.8 Kapoaiaia Stream 61 2.8.1 Flow data and survey dates 63 2.8.2 Periphyton cover 63 2.8.3 Periphyton Index Score 65 2.8.4 Summary of 2002-2012 (10 year data set) 66 2.8.5 Long term trend analysis 67 2.9 Waiongana River 71 2.9.1 Flow data and survey dates 72 2.9.2 Periphyton cover 72 2.9.3 Periphyton Index Score 74 2.9.4 Summary of 2002-2012 (10 year data set) 74 2.9.5 Long term trend analysis 76 2.10 Mangaehu River 79 2.10.1 Flow data and survey dates 80 2.10.2


Land Transport Plan for Taranaki: Mid-Term Review 2018/19-2020/21 67 page FRODO-#2265199-v2-Request_to_vary_the_Taranaki_RLTP_-_Taranaki_SH_Speed_Management_Guide_Implementation Page 3 of 3 Timeframes for consideration of variation request The following outlines the expected timeframes for processing this variation request. The organisation requesting the variation is responsible for outlining the proposal to the RTAG and RTC. Consideration by

Schedules of charges 2019/2020

Surrey Road Landfarms Limited $16,260.60 TAG Oil (NZ) Limited $11,001.06 Taranaki Ventures Limited $5,808.20 page 67 Todd Energy Limited $35,640.23 Todd Generation Taranaki Limited $7,322.19 Todd Petroleum Mining Company Limited $19,283.11 TWN Limited Partnership $13,141.24 Vector Gas Trading Limited $15,567.53 Waste Remediation Services Limited $40,139.75 Westside New Zealand Limited $23,069.89 PIGGERIES Aorere Farms Partnership $1,123.51 DH Lepper Trust

Annual report 2015-2016

Enterococci (cfu /100 ml) Conductivity (mS/m) Faecal coliform (cfu/100 ml) Enterococci (cfu/100 ml) Conductivity (mS/m) Hi st or ica l d at a No of samples Minimum Maximum Median 69 <1 300 3 67 <1 310 3 61 4,020 4,880 4,640 69 <1 1,000 3 67 <1 1,400 2 61 3,990 4,920 4,600 2.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents The monitoring programme for the