Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

Dow AgroSciences consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2016-2017

Taranaki By-Products consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017

Annual report 2015-2016

Summary of performance for Consent 5148 70 Table 36 Summary of performance for Consent 5337 70 Table 37 Summary of performance for Consent 5845 71 Table 38 Summary of performance for Consent 6257 72 page iv Table 39 Summary of performance for Consent 6273 74 Table 40 Summary of performance for Consent 7465 75 List of figures Figure 1 Tawhiti Stream flow (m3/second) at Duffy’s Farm from 1 July 2015 to 1 July 2016 28 Figure 2 Approximate stormwater

CD Boyd consent monitoring 2019-2020

7.2 Electrical Conductivity (EC) µS/cm 92 146 99 Acid soluble barium g/m3 <0.11 0.2 <0.11 page 18 SW3 Site MTH000060 IND001067 MTH000064 Collected 07 May 2020 07 May 2020 07 May 2020 Dissolved Barium g/m3 0.019 0.156 0.032 Total Sodium g/m3 6.2 9.5 6.9 Chloride g/m3 7.5 25 10 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) g/m3 72 81 78 Total Suspended Solids g/m3 < 5 17 < 5 Table 10 Surface water monitoring round 4 16 June 2020 SW4 Site MTH000060 IND001067 MTH000064 …

Annual report 2016-2017

Farm 2 groundwater 60 Farm 3 groundwater 65 General 69 2.1.6 Waiokura Stream surface water quality 72 2.1.7 Biomonitoring 74 Fish passage temperature compliance in mixing zone 74 Lower stream water temperatures 76 Evaluation of fish passage 77 Macroinvertebrate surveys 81 Air 86 2.2.1 Inspections 86 2.2.2 Emission monitoring 86 2.2.3 Deposition gauging 87 Investigations, interventions and incidents 90 3 Discussion 93 Discussion of

Maui annual report 2016-2017

2.2.2 Results of receiving environment monitoring Deposition gauging Carbon monoxide and combustible gases During the monitoring year, a multi-gas meter was deployed on one occasion in the vicinity of the plant. The deployment lasted approximately 72 hours, with the instrument placed in a downwind position at the start of the deployment. Monitoring consisted of continuous measurements of gas concentrations for the gases of interest (carbon monoxide and combustible gases).

Report 2015-2017

Greymouth Petroleum Kowai-C hydraulic fracturing monitoring report.

Annual report 2015-2016

NPDC Inglewood oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Inventory of coastal areas of local or regional significance in the Taranaki region

Loaf Islands Marine Protected Area 68 28 Paritutu/Back Beach 70 29 Lloyds Ponds (Tank Farm Ponds) 72 30 Tapuae Stream Mouth 74 31 Oakura Beach 76 32 AhuAhu, Weld and Timaru Road Beaches 78 33 Tataraimaka 80 34 Leith/Perth Road Beaches 82 35 Stony River 84 36 Komene Road Beach 86 37 Puniho Road Beach 88 38 Paora Road 90 39 Stent Road 92 40 Bayly Road 94 41 Cape Egmont 96 42 Kina Road and Oaonui Beach 98 43 Arawhata Road Beach 100 44 Middleton’s Bay 102 45 Opunake Beach 104 46 Mangahume Beach 106 47

iventory of coastal areas significance taranaki

Loaf Islands Marine Protected Area 68 28 Paritutu/Back Beach 70 29 Lloyds Ponds (Tank Farm Ponds) 72 30 Tapuae Stream Mouth 74 31 Oakura Beach 76 32 AhuAhu, Weld and Timaru Road Beaches 78 33 Tataraimaka 80 34 Leith/Perth Road Beaches 82 35 Stony River 84 36 Komene Road Beach 86 37 Puniho Road Beach 88 38 Paora Road 90 39 Stent Road 92 40 Bayly Road 94 41 Cape Egmont 96 42 Kina Road and Oaonui Beach 98 43 Arawhata Road Beach 100 44 Middleton’s Bay 102 45 Opunake Beach 104 46 Mangahume Beach 106 47