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Future directions for management of gravel extraction in Taranaki rivers and streams

where it is for the purpose of flood or river control carried out by or on behalf of the Council and is inline with the prescribed conditions in the Freshwater Plan. If extraction for a purpose stated in rules 70 and 71 does not meet the relevant conditions it will be considered a discretionary activity under Rule 72 and would require a resource consent before any work could commence. Extraction from a lake for a purpose not provided for in Rules 70 and 71 is considered a discretionary

Summer 2012-2013

(SEA907095) 61 4.13.1 SEM programme 61 4.13.2 Compliance with guidelines 62 4.13.3 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 63 5. General summary 64 5.1 Regional overview 64 5.2 National context 66 5.3 Conclusion 67 6. Recommendations 68 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 69 Bibliography and References 70 Appendix I High tide times 72 page iii Appendix II MAC assessments 2008-2013 76 Appendix III SFRG 2007-2012 88 page iv

Consents & Regulatory agenda August 2021

2021/2022 17 2020-2021 20 38 53 75 94 116 131 154 178 209 247 269 2019-2020 26 51 72 102 148 162 188 218 239 245 248 263 New Renewal Change Review Totals 2021-2022 Total (to end of July) 10 3 4 0 17 2021-2021 Total 71 148 39 11 269 2019-2020 Total 81 138 44 0 263 A g ri cu lt u ra l C en tr a/ L o ca l G o ve rn m en t E n er g y F o re st ry O th er A g ri cu lt u ra l C en tr a/ L o ca l G o

Waitaha Catchment Annual Report 2022-2023

16.6 Alterations to monitoring programme for 2023-2024 67 17 Summary of recommendations 69 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 70 Bibliography and references 72 Appendix I Resource consents held by industries in the Waitaha Catchment (alphabetical order) Appendix II Categories used to evaluate environmental and administrative performance List of tables Table 1 Resource consents held in the Waitaha Catchment 4 Table 2 Receiving water sampling results,