Your search for '72' returned 923 results.

Lepper Piggery consent monitoring 2018-2019

6.1 0.0045 0.025 g/m³ (d/s) Dissolved reactive phosphorus g/m³P 0.036 28 0.123 Suspended solids g/m³ 73 104 72 Turbidity NTU 45 56 42 Appearance Turbid brown Turbid brown Turbid, brown Based on flow data at the time of sampling the dilution rate was about 1 part effluent to 500 parts receiving water and therefore well in compliance with Special Conditions 15 and 16 at the boundary of the mixing zone at the time of the survey. An increase of 0.895 g/m3 N in ammoniacal

Northern Quarries Biennial Report 2020-2022

Environmental and administrative performance summary 68 12.5 Alterations and recommendations for 2022-2024 72 13 Wiremu Road Quarry Ltd 24rd Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2020-2022 73 13.1 Introduction 73 13.2 Resource consents 74 13.3 Compliance monitoring programme 74 13.4 Environmental and administrative performance summary 74 13.5 Alterations and recommendations for 2022-2024 77 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 78 Bibliography and references 80 Appendix I

Taranaki Lifelines Vulnerability Study Oct 2018

This report presents the potential impacts on Taranaki’s infrastructure from major natural hazard events. Potential measures to improve resilience to hazards in the lifelines sector are identified.

Annual report 2015-2016

Makuri Toko Rd 143 170 16/02/2016 5797-1 Oeo 5797 72 130 16/02/2016 5570-2 Mangatete 2 Saunders Rd 111 168 16/02/2016 10135-1 Warea Coast 321 357 16/02/2016 2138-3 Waingongoro SH45 896 1,490 22/02/2016 5827-2 & 5840-2 Waiokura Winks Rd 112 125 01/03/2016 5973-2 Otahi 2 Ihaia Rd 83 88 09/03/2016 5791-1 Ouri SH45 179 200 09/03/2016 5990-1 Waiteika SH45 21 30 21/03/2016 2138-3 Waingongoro SH45 1,200 1,490 2.3 Water usage and compliance assessment During the

Annual report 2013-2014

mS/m@20C 174 89.4 109 262 52.8 56.2 Hydrocarbons mg/kg DW 48 72 1600 3000 950 2300 Magnesium mg/kg 19.1 9.1 11.0 18.9 7.2 9.7 Moisture factor Nil 1.143 1.120 1.038 1.038 1.071 1.070 pH pH 7.7 6.9 7.2 7.6 7.4 7.1 Sodium absorption ratio None 0.45 1.15 1.13 1.51 - - Sodium mg/kg 27.4 33.4 46.2 87.0 16.7 11.7 Total soluble salts mg/kg 1361.7 699.6 853.0 2050.4 - - The analysis of the Councils soil results detailed that the application of the land farmable muds were not