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Executive audit and Risk Agenda June 2023

1,600,464 -126,117 2,128,388 Total operating expenditure 3,406,855 4,002,294 595,439 30,983,105 30,901,147 -81,958 47,004,286 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 720,455 533,072 187,383 3,684,610 4,069,472 -384,862 5,048,875 Rent revenue 142,066 110,000 32,066 1,236,152 990,000 246,152 1,260,000 Dividends 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates

New Zealand Energy Corporation DWI Annual Report 2022-2023

environmental performance and compliance for 878 (87%) of a total of 1007 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 96 (10%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the Company over the last several years,

Civil Quarries Ltd Everett Road Quarry Annual Report 2021/22

Kurapete Stream. There were no impacts evident further downstream. Overall however, the Kurapete Stream was considered to be in better condition than in the previous survey. There were also ongoing issues with the positioning of flowmeters. Water take and discharge rates are now being telemetered to the Council, but a review of the placement of the flowmeters is still required. The separate groundwater and surface water monitoring programme has commenced and a report shall be provided to the

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Southern Sites Annual Report 2022-2023

achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2023-2024 year. page i Table of contents Page 1 Introduction 1 Compliance

Silver Fern Farms Waitotara Annual Report 2021-2022

four wastewater and 28 groundwater samples for physicochemical analysis. Silver Fern Farms supplied records of their own monitoring, as well as records of the volume of water abstracted and the volume of wastewater discharged. No breaches of the daily abstraction limits were recorded during the monitoring period. There were also no exceedances in the groundwater abstraction rate that were above the permitted measurement error of the metering devices. However compliance of the abstraction

Policy and Planning February 2023 web version

incineration and burning of waste. Natural sources, such as sea-spray and pollen, also contribute to overall levels. 18. Research has demonstrated a correlation between short-term episodes of exposure to particulate matter and increased adverse medical outcomes for heart, respiratory and circulatory conditions (e.g. asthma, emphysema, heart attack and stroke). Longer-term exposure to increased concentrations correlates with increased cancer rates, premature death rates and chronic respiratory

Fonterra Kapuni Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

been addressed through extension of the irrigation disposal system in 2007-2008, and by more intensive wastewater and groundwater monitoring. During the year under review, there was a higher nitrogen load applied to the paddocks than has been the case since the extension of the irrigation system. The nitrogen application rates ranged from 151 to 509 kg/ha/year with average application rates of 350, 423 and 425 kg/ha/year on Farms 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The annual median of results for the