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NPDC Water Supplies Annual Report 2020 2021

under consent conditions and this showed that daily volume limits and instantaneous abstraction rates were complied with for the majority of the monitoring period. Self-monitoring of the Inglewood discharge showed that the discharge generally complied with consent conditions. During the year, NPDC demonstrated a high level of environmental and administrative performance with the resource consents. For reference, in the 2020-2021 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level

OMV NZ Pohokura Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023

tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 96 (10%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report

Long-Term Plan 2021/2031

… region to present a coherent and united case to the Government for funding for specific projects to assist with the recovery from COVID-19. And we are committing funds to the refurbishment of our Stratford office, which is no longer fit for purpose. We will also be conducting one of our regular formal reviews of our 100% ownership of Port Taranaki Ltd, with more public consultation if changes are proposed as a result. Budgeting for a rates increase is never a decision taken lightly.

Council meeting agenda May 2021

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes 28 5. June 2021 Meeting Dates 32 6. Draft Submission on "Phasing Out Fossil Fuels in Process Heat" Consultation Paper 33 7. Adoption of the 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan 51 8. Setting of Rates 2021/2022 246 9. Representation Review: Timetable and Process 253 10. Public Excluded 256 11. Public Excluded Consents and Regulatory Minutes 257 12. Public Excluded Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes 260 Ordinary Meeting - Agenda 2

C D Boyd Drilling Waste and Stockpiling Land & Landspreading Annual Report 2021-2022

the on- site activities, and compliance with the conditions of the consents during the period under review. The monitoring programme for this year included nine inspections, one water sampling survey, one soil sampling survey, and two in-stream biomonitoring surveys. During the monitoring period, the site generally demonstrated a level of administrative performance that requires improvement in terms of annual reporting. The environmental performance is rated ‘good’ rather than high’ due to

Fonterra Whareroa Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

resource consents held by Fonterra for the Whareroa site 5 Table 3 Summary of abstraction rate data for 2021-2022 10 Table 4 Limits for stormwater composition for each parameter (consents 3902, 3907, 4133) 12 Table 5 Sample results for the stormwater discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Tawhiti Stream 13 Table 6 Sample results for the stormwater discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Tangahoe River 14 Table 7 Sample results for the stormwater discharge to an unnamed coastal

Taranaki By Products Air and Water Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

is also measurable nitrate recorded. The fire pond discharges into the Inaha Stream year round, irrespective of the flow conditions in the Inaha Stream. The dilution rate of the wastewater discharge to the Inaha Stream was compliant for the duration of the discharge. The analysis of the oxygen and the sodium absorption ratio of the wastewater were compliant when assessed. The application of wastewater and fertiliser to land was limited to below 250 kg N/ha across all irrigation

TRC Interim Technical Memorandum Lake Trophic State NOF Baseline State September 2023

clauses 3.31, 3.32, and 3.33 for exceptions to this. page Technical Memorandum | Draft Baseline State for Taranaki Lakes (Trophic State) make predictions of water quality parameters such as total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia and chlorophyll-a. The spatial water quality attribute models were variable in performance however, with the exception of the ammonia criteria, those utilised for this assessment were rated to have satisfactory to very good performance (Snelder

Submitters Statement of evidence Duncan Backshall

and dust and loss of amenity value of air d) Imposition of limits on or relating to discharge or ambient concentrations of contaminants, or on or relating to mass discharge rates e) Best practicable option to prevent or minimise any adverse effects on the environment f) Any matter contained in Appendix V g) Review of the conditions of consent and the timing and purpose of the review 2.2 Appendix V of the RAQP is titled “Good management practices for

ST water supplies monitoring report 2020-2021

environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by STDC, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the STDC’s approach to demonstrating consent