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TRC Bulletin - April 2019

than one consent. Overall, the Council found a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 76%, with another 20% rated ‘good’ and the remainder requiring improvement. The monitoring reports are prepared by, and based on the work of, the Council’s experienced and qualified scientific staff. Consent compliance monitoring reports Getting with the planUseful initiatives promoting farm environmental plans have sprung from increased national interest in the concept, the Policy & Planning

TRC Bulletin - September 2019

enforcement programmes have been rated very favourably in peer reviews, and the Council is working with iwi to develop its mātauranga Māori processes and capacity in this and other areas. Wastewater treatment plant compliance monitoring reports Coastal charges not for TaranakiThe Council does not intend taking up an opportunity to introduce a new occupation charges covering coastal structures such as moorings, jetties, wharves, sheds or boat ramps. An amendment to the Resource Management Act allows

TRC Bulletin - November 2018

compliance to 67.4% by 2030, though the Committee was told the Council’s own scientists consider 50-55% is more realistic, based on measured observations. Taranaki’s current swimmability rate is higher than most other North Island dairying regions and our projected gains from existing programmes and investments are the highest of any region in New Zealand, the Committee was told. But the Council is concerned that the swimmability requirements take no account of when people actually swim or the degree of

STDC Patea Beach Green Waste 2023-2024

level of environmental performance and compliance for 864 (89%) of a total of 967 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over

MR24 STDC Patea Beach Greenwaste

level of environmental performance and compliance for 864 (89%) of a total of 967 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over

Healthy waterways report 2016

enhancing waterway quality. The programme covers almost 14,500 km of streambank mainly on the ring plain with 12,209 km (84.4%) now fenced, 7,691 km (69.5%) protected with riparian vegetation and includes 99.5% of Taranaki’s dairy farmers. Over 4.3m plants have been supplied over the life of the programme. The Taranaki Regional Council has a comprehensive programme to monitor all resource consent holders, which consistently reveals a generally high rate of compliance with consent conditions across all

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda May 2022

Minutes 24 5. May & June Meeting Dates 2022 29 6. Setting of Administrative Charges Pursuant to Section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991 30 7. Adoption of the 2022/2023 Annual Plan 49 8. Setting of Rates 2022/2023 142 9. Representation review for the 2022 Local Authority Elections 149 10. LGNZ Conference 164 11. Ngāti Maru Joint Management Agreement Committee 168 12. Public Excluded 172 13. Confirmation of Public Excluded Ordinary Minutes 173 14. Public Excluded

Healthy waterways report 2017

holders, which consistently reveals a generally high rate of compliance with consent conditions across all sectors, Non-compliance with consent conditions, and pollution complaints are thoroughly investigated by Council and appropriate enforcement action is taken. Riparian protection satus at September 2017. Progressively darker shades indicate increased protection. The Waiokura is part of a national project which showcased five ‘best practice dairy catchments’ from around the country – two in the