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Council meeting (LTP submissions) agenda May 2018

(Chairman) M J Cloke M G Davey M P Joyce D L Lean (Deputy Chairman) C L Littlewood M J McDonald D H McIntyre B K Raine N W Walker C S Williamson Apologies Councillor D H McIntyre Notification of Late Items Item Page Subject Item 1 3 Hearing of Submissions on the Consultation Document for the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan  List of Submitters who wish to be heard  Submissions received on the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan  Submissions 1-19  Submissions

Todd Energy Aquatic Centre Annual Report 2022-2023

signed resource consent please contact the TRC Consents department) page Water abstraction permits Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Permits authorising the abstraction of water are issued by the Council under Section 87(d) of the RMA. Water

Biennial report 2012-2014

contaminants. Only a pilot flare was operating. The API separator and all bunds and ring drains were clear. Everything was satisfactory. 1 November 2012 The site was inspected during fine weather with no significant rain having occurred for a week or more. The skimmer pits were clear and not discharging. The ring drains were free of contaminants and a frog was in residence at the top end of the drain. Some flaring was being undertaken, but this was very minor and no downwind effects were noted. The

TRC Better Travel Choices for Taranaki Strategy Part B Regional Public Transport Plan

Infrastructure covers the physical assets such as bus stops and interchanges (hubs) as well as any on-road bus priority (which is addressed above). Bus stops are the responsibility of the relevant Territorial Authority. Each stop should include a sign and yellow box road markings as a minimum, with shelters to provide passenger protection from the elements (both rain and sun) highly desirable. New Plymouth District Council and TRC have a constructive and collaborative working

Barrels Creek; Morrison's Bush

The site is approximately 2.4ha in size and comprised of cutover semi-coastal Tawa, kohekohe, rewarewa, hinau, podocarp forest remnants on hill slopes, flat land and stream terraces. The remnants are of a native forest type that is classified as 'Chronically Threatened' in Taranaki and falls within 'Acutely Threatened' Land Environment (LENZ) F5.2b. Remnants such as this provide important habitat for common, rare and threatened species. Barrels Creek contributes good connectivity with other

TRC Better Travel Choices for Taranaki Strategy Part B Regional Public Transport Plan

Infrastructure covers the physical assets such as bus stops and interchanges (hubs) as well as any on-road bus priority (which is addressed above). Bus stops are the responsibility of the relevant Territorial Authority. Each stop should include a sign and yellow box road markings as a minimum, with shelters to provide passenger protection from the elements (both rain and sun) highly desirable. New Plymouth District Council and TRC have a constructive and collaborative working


K Raine Councillor C S Williamson Councillor D L Lean (ex officio) Councillor D N MacLeod (ex officio) Representatives Councillor R Jordan (New PlymouthDistrict Council) Councillor G Boyde (Stratford District Council) Councillor C Coxhead (South Taranaki District Council) Mrs B Muir (Taranaki Federated Farmers) Apologies Councillor P Nixon (South Taranaki District Council) Notification of Late Items Item Page Subject Item 1 3 Confirmation of Minutes Item 2

Annual report 2014-2015

Freshwater physicochemical state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.