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Biennial report 2011-2013

Photo 4 Return fluids pit showing initial sub-standard liner 47 Photo 5 Pit A (initially unlined) containing produced water 47 Photo 6 Pit A featuring new high grade HDPE liner 50 Photo 7 Produced water in makeshift pit 51 Photo 8 Groundwater seeps, north-eastern boundary of landfarm showing natural iron oxide staining and rainbow sheen 53 Photo 9 Discharging perforated pipe showing iron oxide staining of substrate ( Wellington property) 56 page

PDP Sept 2002 Dioxin concentrations in residential soil Paritutu New Plymouth

interest in Paritutu, it was important that the study considered not just the likely areas of maximum deposition, but also the broader residential areas around the plant. The primary study area is the arc of residential properties running from Maui Place and Rangitake Drive to the south-west of the Dow plant, to the residential properties in Findlay and Catherine streets and Ngamotu Road, adjacent to the industrial land to the east. A limited number of samples were taken from

Mangahewa C hydraulic fracturing report 2016-2017

Conductivity g/m3 2,620 4,190 pH pH units 8.0 7.6 Total alkalinity g/m3 CaCO3 4,300 2,800 Total hardness g/m3 CaCO3 280 260 Bicarbonate g/m3 HCO3 4,930 3,140 Calcium g/m3 94 90 Dissolved calcium g/m3 96 86 Chloride g/m3 6,900 13,500 Dissolved magnesium g/m3 10 11 Total potassium g/m3 1,330 3,500 Total sodium g/m3 5,700 7,400 Total dissolved solids g/m3 15,500 25,000 Nitrate & nitrite nitrogen g/m3 53 < 0.2 Nitrite nitrogen g/m3 < 0.2 < 0.2 Nitrate

Inventory of coastal areas of local or regional significance in the Taranaki region

Julian’s Pond 108 page 14 Number Site name Page No. 48 Puketapu Road End 110 49 Oeo Cliffs 112 50 Rawa Stream Mouth 114 51 Otakeho Beach 116 52 Kaupokonui Stream 118 53 Sutherland/Normanby Road Ends 120 54 Inaha Beach 122 55 Waingongoro River Mouth, Ohawe Beach and Four Mile Reef 124 56 Waihi Beach 126 57 Rifle Range Road Lakes (Nowell Road Ponds) 128 58 Manawapou-Tangahoe River Mouths and Cliff Tops 130 59 Manawapou Road Coastal Lagoon 132 60 Lake Kaikura 134 61 Kakaramea Beach

iventory of coastal areas significance taranaki

Julian’s Pond 108 page 14 Number Site name Page No. 48 Puketapu Road End 110 49 Oeo Cliffs 112 50 Rawa Stream Mouth 114 51 Otakeho Beach 116 52 Kaupokonui Stream 118 53 Sutherland/Normanby Road Ends 120 54 Inaha Beach 122 55 Waingongoro River Mouth, Ohawe Beach and Four Mile Reef 124 56 Waihi Beach 126 57 Rifle Range Road Lakes (Nowell Road Ponds) 128 58 Manawapou-Tangahoe River Mouths and Cliff Tops 130 59 Manawapou Road Coastal Lagoon 132 60 Lake Kaikura 134 61 Kakaramea Beach

Regional Transport Committee Agenda March 2023

Emergency Works. Any projects over $2 million are the responsibility of Shawn Scott. • Road to Zero has had one tender now closed, with the high school project nearing completion. • Walking and cycling is currently being finalised. It was noted that the footpath on Vincent Street is being replaced and will become a shared use road. • Transport Choices is in the pre-implementation stage with finalising underway. BECA has completed a corridor check and concept drawings have been given to

Annual report 2014-2015

52 7.5 Recommendation 52 8. Nankervis Family Trust 53 8.1 Process description 53 8.2 Water discharge permit 54 8.3 Results 54 8.3.1 Inspections 54 8.3.2 Results of discharge monitoring 54 8.3.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 55 8.4 Discussion 55 8.4.1 Discussion of site performance 55 8.4.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consent 56 8.4.3 Evaluation of performance 56 8.4.4 Recommendation from the 2012-2014 Biennial Report 57 8.4.5 Alterations to