Name of
Consent Holder:
Cold Creek Community Water Supply Limited
2 Havelock Street
Opunake 4616
Decision Date
3 December 2015
Commencement Date
14 January 2016 (Granted Date: 10 July 2013)
Conditions of Consent
Consent Granted: To take water from Cold Stream to supply the Cold Creek
Water Supply Scheme
Expiry Date: 1 June 2030
Review Date(s): June 2018, June 2021, June
Subjects for points of order / Ngā kaupapa mō te whakatika hapa 52
25.3 Contradictions / Ngā whakahē 53
25.4 Point of order during division / Te tono whakatika hapa i te wā o te
wehenga 53
25.5 Chairperson’s decision on points of order / Te whakatau a te ūpoko mō
ngā tono whakatika 53
Notices of motion / Te pānui i ngā mōtini 53
26.1 Notice of intended motion to be in writing / Me tuhi te pānui mō te mōtini
e takune ana 53
26.2 Refusal of notice of motion / Te whakahē i te
All results will be accessible on Council’s website:
Contact us
Dale Ofsoske, Electoral Officer
Independent Election Services Ltd
Level 2, 198 Federal Street, Auckland
PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
Phone: 0800 922 822
Mike Nield, Director Corporate Services
Taranaki Regional Council
47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Private Bag 713, Stratford 4352
Phone: (06) 765 5097
performance 49
9.3 Monitoring plan effectiveness 49
9.4 Monitoring other effects of this Plan 50
9.5 Plan Review 50
10 Funding 51
10.1 Introduction 51
10.2 Funding sources and reasons for funding 51
10.3 Anticipated costs to the Council of implementing the Plan 51
10.3.1 General rate and investment revenue 51
10.3.2 Recovery of direct costs 51
10.3.3 Funding limitations 51
Glossary 53
Appendix A: Pest Management Line 58
Appendix B: Self-Help Possum
2017/18 7,137 124 11.1 50 Not required
2016/17 19,077 119 28.8 55 47
2015/16 30,615 186 15.3 53 52
2014/15 16,960 137 14.0 56 49
2013/14 24,885 191 10.9 76 44
Note * reporting of average injection pressures are not required under consent 7897-1
Figure 6 Kaimiro-11 well: Historical injection volumes and injection pressures (2015-2024)
Figure 7 Kaimiro-11 well: Daily injection volumes and pressures (2023/24)
consents 49
8.3.3 Evaluation of performance 49
8.3.4 Recommendations from the 2014-2015 Annual Report 51
8.3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2016-2017 51
8.4 Recommendation 52
9. Summary of recommendations 53
Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 54
Bibliography and references 56
Appendix I Resource consents held by STDC (in alphabetical order)
Appendix II Biomonitoring reports
List of tables
Table 1 Summary of
Volcano hazards management information source book - GNS Science.
Todd Energy Mangahewa-D hydraulic fracturing report - Taranaki Regional Council.
GPL Northern Sites Annual Report 2023-2024
Recommendations from the 2017-2018 Annual Report 50
Alteration to the monitoring programme for 2019-2020 50
9.4 Recommendations 51
10 Gas and Plumbing Ltd – Colson Road, New Plymouth 52
10.1 Site description and activities 52
10.2 Results 52
Inspections 52
Results of receiving environment monitoring 53
Investigations, interventions, and incidents 53
10.3 Discussion 53
Discussion of site performance 53
Environmental effects of exercise of