Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 906 results.

September 2021 hydrology report

Waiwhakaiho Egmont Village 18 20.0 98 1899.0 109 80 Aug 1990 Manganui Everett Park 18 173.5 95 1561.5 103 76 Jan 1987 Oxi' Ponds Inglewood 20 190.0 85 1640.0 96 70 May 1999 TRC Stratford 17 187.0 99 1646.0 111 84 Jul 1998 Mangaehu Toko (Huinga) 17 137.5 95 1208.5 103 78 Jul 1998 Kotare Tongaporutu 17 175.0 81 1418.0 92 66 Jan 1998 Kaka Rd Okoki 16 190.5 94 1480.0 93 67 Aug 1990 Pohokura Saddle Pohokura 20 202.5 107 1409.5 98 71 Aug 1990 Stony Mangatete Rd 22 160.0 93 1575.5

July 2021 hydrology report

63 Dec 2003 Kapoaiaia Cape Egmont 13 158.8 106 932.4 114 67 Jan 1930 Taungatara Te Kiri 17 189.5 115 923.5 107 60 Dec 2004 Kaupokonui Manaia 16 103.0 85 628.5 95 54 Sep 1997 Duffy's Farm Whareroa 12 103.5 97 622.0 102 57 Feb 1993 Bore 3 Patea 13 85.8 74 655.6 99 57 Feb 1994 Omaru Charlie's Clearing 16 212.0 125 912.5 92 52 Apr 2005 Omahine Moana Trig 15 145.5 83 809.0 82 46 Mar 2006 Rimunui Waitotara Valley 12 131.5 101 593.5 79 44 May 1993 Ngutuwera Waitotara

Consents and Regulatory Committee Agenda June 2022

Committee 07 June 2022 09:30 AM Agenda Topic Page Opening Karakia 4 Apologies Notification of Late Items 1. Confirmation of Minutes 5 2. Resource Consents Issued Under Delegated Authority and Applications in Progress 10 3. Incident, Compliance Monitoring Non-compliances and Enforcement Summary 35 4. Hearing Panels Decision on Airport Farm Trustee Limited 67 Consents and Regulatory Committee - Agenda 3 page Whakataka te hau Karakia to open

Māori Constituency submitter list

Mary Gray 42 Pia Rockell 43 Jenny Murphy 44 Emma Parker 45 Julie Lumsden 46 Gillett Troy 47 Simon Raine 48 Keith Wills 49 Geoffrey Hobson 50 Robert Taylor 51 Rachel Eckersley 52 Charl van der Heever 53 Joanne Massey 54 Nigel Cliffe 55 Jean Mallinson 56 Dr Keith and Mrs Shirley Blayney 57 Marcon Wood 58 Carol Franklyn 59 Jocelyn Kruitbosch 60 Graham Cochrane 61 Wilfred Ivan Cudlipp 62 Gordon Sole 63 Michael Bonner 64 Ben Bonner 65 Laura Elizabeth 66 Alison Rumball 67 Peter

Info sheet: Surf breaks & the 'Nationally Significant Surfing Area'

defined by LINZ coastline layer, altered to include agreed CMA river mouth boundaries Roads 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 KEY 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 11 12 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 10 Feedback and more information Creating a Nationally Significant Surfing Area would be just a small part of a much larger project to protect

Summer 2011-2012

summer surveys 56 4.11.4 Long-term trend analysis 56 4.11.5 MfE guidelines additional sampling 57 4.12 Ohawe Beach 59 4.12.1 SEM programme 59 4.12.2 Compliance with guidelines 60 4.12.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 61 4.12.4 Long-term trend analysis 62 5. General summary 63 5.1 Regional overview 63 5.2 National context 65 5.3 Conclusion 66 6. Recommendations 67 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 68 Bibliography and References