fluctuate in response to volume.
Table 13 Summary of injection via the Waihapa-5 well (2018-2021)
Period Annual volume
Max. injection
Max. injection
Max. injection
Avg. injection
2020-2021 277 53 11 0 0**
2019-2020 - No injection during the monitoring period
2018-2019 208,768 1,549 67 85 30
* calculated using daily volume and hours ** well is operating as a vacuum
July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the Company’s activities.
The Company holds five resource consents, which include a total of 67 conditions setting out the
requirements that the Company must satisfy.
fluctuate in response to volume.
Table 13 Summary of injection via the Waihapa-5 well (2018-2021)
Period Annual volume
Max. injection
Max. injection
Max. injection
Avg. injection
2020-2021 277 53 11 0 0**
2019-2020 - No injection during the monitoring period
2018-2019 208,768 1,549 67 85 30
* calculated using daily volume and hours ** well is operating as a vacuum
July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the Company’s activities.
The Company holds five resource consents, which include a total of 67 conditions setting out the
requirements that the Company must satisfy.
Dawson Falls 1,628 2,435 67 %
Kahui Hut 1,636 2,230 73 %
Hillsborough 575 726 79 %
Brooklands Zoo 466 686 68 %
Mangati 483 567 85 %
Motunui 442 588 75 %
Egmont Village 764 1,108 69 %
Everett Park 676 954 71 %
Inglewood 755 1,097 69 %
Stratford 559 819 68 %
Mangaehu 510 700 73 %
Kotare 769 1,001 77 %
Kaka Rd (Uruti) 738 1,077 69 %
Pohokura Saddle 681 899 76 %
Stony (Okato) 654 839 78 %
Kapoaiaia (Cape Egmont) 425 598 71 %
assessed on receipt, with pre-set automated alarms activated in the event of any consent limit exceedances.
90º elbow
2 Results
2.1 Site Inspections
The Council carried out annual compliance monitoring inspections at all sites where irrigation consents were
exercised during 2017-2018 irrigation season. This represented 62 separate sites, compared to 67
inspections carried out for the 2016-2017 irrigation season. The reduced
0.407 0.234 0.464 0.038-1.070
These results show that there were no significant effects noted in the Patea River as a result of the WWTP
discharge. Filtered BOD5 concentration was well within the 2.0 gm2 limit imposed by Special Condition 11, as
was unionised ammonia (NH3). There was one minor exceedance of the limit on turbidity (an increase of
67 %) between the two sites on the March 2017 sampling occasion. This result was indicative of the high
organic wastes’ loadings from the pond,
4,770 4,060 4,020 4,800 4,550 4,630 4,140 340 4,650 4,830 4,580 4,760
Total Suspended Solids g/m3 199 67 500 121 87 368 2,361 49 223 264 1,015 59
Temperature oC 25.2 22.12 18.6 43.4 45.5 46.7 57.0 57.1 54.1 48.8 51.8 38.3
Salinity g/m3 23,900 8,280 9,000 8,710 8,621 8,830 10,050 9,200 5,130 7,344 5,770 6,746
Chloride g/m3 17,498 16,262 16,533 17,392 16,845 17,031 17,114 17,000 9,500 13,600 11,100 13,100
Total Petroleum
g/m3 316 70 408 76 90 332 1,860 <20 2,750
Greymouth Petroleum Kowhai-B hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
STOS Kapuni wellsites hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.