Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Report 2010-2014

Opunake Hydro Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Fonterra Kapuni Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

Kaupokonui Stream from the monthly stream surveys, with previous years for comparison 70 Figure 50 Groundwater monitoring bores, Motumate and Waiokura Stream sampling site locations on the three Company farms 72 Figure 51 Three year trends in groundwater conductivity at Farm 1 75 Figure 52 Three year trends in groundwater potassium at Farm 1 75 Figure 53 Three year trends in groundwater alkalinity at Farm 1 76 Figure 54 Long term trends in groundwater sodium concentration at Farm 1

The Taranaki landfarms - are they fit for purpose?

and hence some indication of the distribution of the results is recorded. Table 6b: Summary of heavy metal concentrations (ppm) in the soil (0-250mm) at the Geary site. Element No. samples Average Max. Min. Limit1 As 33 all < 22 <2 - 20 Cd 33 all < 0.12 <0.10 - 1 Cr 33 15 20 8 600 Cu 33 17 32 7 100 Pb 33 14 48 1 300 Ni 33 7 11 5 60 Zn 33 72 113 33 300 Hg 33 all < 0.12 <0.10 - 1 page 9 Note 1) from the Ministry for the Environment 2003 2) for some

Annual report 2014-2015

13.4.2 Evaluation of performance 68 13.4.3 page v Recommendation from the 2013-2014 Annual Report 70 13.4.4 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2015-2016 70 13.4.5 13.5 Recommendation 70 14. V Rowe Family Trust & CG Bayliss Family Trust Partnership - Manutahi Road, Bell Block 71 14.1 Site description and activities 71 14.2 Results 72 Inspection 72 14.2.1 14.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 72 14.4 Discussion 72 Discussion of

Triennial report 2010-2013

Effluent monitoring 63 Inter-laboratory comparisons 67 Methanex Waitara Valley annual report 70 Uncontaminated stormwater 70 3.3.2 Air 71 Inspections 71 Consent requirements 71 3.4 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 71 3.5 Discussion 72 3.5.1 Discussion of plant performance 72 Environmental effects of exercise of water permits 72 Environmental effects of exercise of air discharge permit 72