Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Compliance, monitoring and enforcement metrics 2020-2021

74 36 50 57 79 TOTAL MINUS AUCKLAND 132 129 156 79 86 72 26 27 42 28 31 36 36 44 55 Council FTE’s in Specific Roles page FTE/1000 20 17 / 2 0 18 20 18 / 2 0 19 20 19 / 2 0 20 20 20 / 2 0 21 FTE 2020/2021 Population Estimates 2020 Formal actions per 1000 2020/2021 R EG IO N A L C O U N C IL S Northland Regional Council .13 .13 .13 .13 25.00 192,500 1.59 Waikato Regional Council

Report 2010-2012

analysis 59 2.8 Kapoaiaia Stream 61 2.8.1 Flow data and survey dates 63 2.8.2 Periphyton cover 63 2.8.3 Periphyton Index Score 65 2.8.4 Summary of 2002-2012 (10 year data set) 66 2.8.5 Long term trend analysis 67 2.9 Waiongana River 71 2.9.1 Flow data and survey dates 72 2.9.2 Periphyton cover 72 2.9.3 Periphyton Index Score 74 2.9.4 Summary of 2002-2012 (10 year data set) 74 2.9.5 Long term trend analysis 76 2.10 Mangaehu River 79 2.10.1 Flow data and survey dates 80 2.10.2

Annual report 2013-2014

monitoring inspection and to take water samples. The weather was fine with 13 mm rain falling over previous 72 hours and the stream system was in low flow. A truck was discharging drilling muds and a digger was operating blending in sawdust at time of inspection. A discussion was held with the digger driver and site manager on the drainage issues at the top of the lower irrigation area and the installation of novaflo in a few swampy areas on the main irrigation flats. Discussion included the

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2021-2022

2021-2022 monitoring 71 Table 17 GND3008 2021-2022 monitoring 72 Table 18 GND3009 2021-2022 monitoring 74 Table 19 GND3010 2021-2022 monitoring 75 Table 20 Dissolved metals in groundwater, 24 November 2021 76 Table 21 IND002044 irrigation pond monitoring 2021-2022 84 Table 22 Irrigation area U1 soil results 2018-2022 90 Table 23 Irrigation area U2 soil monitoring 2018-2022 91 Table 24 Irrigation area U3 soil monitoring 2019-2022 93 Table 25 Irrigation area L1 soil

Annual report 2015-2016

1 MWH000380 5 MWH000490 15 25 18 27 10-25 [16] 13-25 [19] 12-24 [16] 16-30 [24] 83 90 72 83 58-85 [73] 63-86 [77] 72-85 [76] 84-102 [90] 41 36 12 12 Waingongoro River 6 WGG000620 7 WGG000640 8 WGG000665 - - 19 20 28 21 16-35 [27] 17-35 [26] 14-30 [21] 19-28 [24] 21-31 [27] 14-27

Summer 2011-2012

69 Appendix I High tide times 72 Appendix II MAC assessments 76 page iii List of tables Table 1 Surveillance, Alert and Action levels for marine waters (2003) 2 Table 2 Microbiological Assessment Categories 3 Table 3 Suitability for recreation grade (SFRG) for coastal recreational areas in the Taranaki region, November 2006 to April 2011 4 Table 4 Location of bathing water bacteriological sampling sites 2011-2012 6 Table 5 Coastal bathing

Annual report 2013-2014

consent 1857-6. Table 2 Results of combined discharge (STW001027) and receiving water (MGO000031) monitoring for the 2013-2014 year Date Sampling point Temp (oC) pH Conductivity (mS/m) Suspended Solids (g/m3) Dissolved Copper* (g/m3) Dissolved Zinc* (g/m3) 30.6.14 STW001027 13.6 7.1 6.9 72 0.023 0.393 MGO000031* 13.3 7.1 13.9 18 0.004 0.020 *USEPA acute criteria for dissolved metals: Cu 0.0088 g/m3 and Zn 0.064 g/m3 [at hardness of 50 g/m3

Annual report 2013-2014

consent 1857-6. Table 2 Results of combined discharge (STW001027) and receiving water (MGO000031) monitoring for the 2013-2014 year Date Sampling point Temp (oC) pH Conductivity (mS/m) Suspended Solids (g/m3) Dissolved Copper* (g/m3) Dissolved Zinc* (g/m3) 30.6.14 STW001027 13.6 7.1 6.9 72 0.023 0.393 MGO000031* 13.3 7.1 13.9 18 0.004 0.020 *USEPA acute criteria for dissolved metals: Cu 0.0088 g/m3 and Zn 0.064 g/m3 [at hardness of 50 g/m3

Biennial report 2012-2014

of performance 70 7.3.4 Recommendation from the 2011-2012 Annual Report 72 7.3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2014-2015 72 7.4 Recommendation 72 8. McKechnie Aluminium Solutions Limited 73 8.1 Introduction 73 8.1.1 Process description 73 8.1.2 Water discharge permit 74 8.2 Results 75 8.2.1 Stormwater management plan 75 8.2.2 Water 76 Inspections 76 Results of discharge monitoring 77 8.2.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 79