Your search for 'rates' returned 2174 results.

MoH Study of 2378 Tetrachlorodibenzo p dioxin

Berg et al. (1998) Toxicokinetic model The fate of a toxic chemical once inside the body. Refers in this case to the elimination rate of TCDD. page i A Study of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin August 2004 (TCDD) Exposures in Paritutu, New Zealand SUMMARY Background In October 2001 the Ministry of Health (MoH) contracted the Institute of Environmental Science & Research (ESR) to investigate non-occupational exposure to dioxins among residents of

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda February 2022

-12,550 858,082 775,032 -83,050 1,822,543 Total operating expenditure 4,190,125 4,171,030 -19,095 17,452,838 18,660,929 1,208,091 49,667,978 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 341,259 313,690 27,569 1,533,046 1,530,950 2,096 4,729,359 Rent revenue 132,095 93,749 38,346 520,587 468,745 51,842 1,125,000 Dividends 0 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda June 2022

charges revenue 291,706 301,190 -9,484 3,763,246 4,110,484 -347,238 4,729,359 Rent revenue 104,445 93,749 10,696 1,108,572 937,490 171,082 1,125,000 Dividends 0 0 0 8,000,000 8,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 0 0 0 8,202,967 8,202,966 1 10,937,289 Targeted rates revenue 0 0 0 3,274,985 3,274,986 -1 4,366,647 Direct charges revenue 579,245 172,076 407,169 4,297,760 4,658,804 -361,044 12,820,150 Government

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 2024

and reputation enhancement for companies that consistently attain good or high levels of environmental performance. Informed feedback is appropriate and valuable, and assists a proactive alignment of industry’s interests with community and Resource Management Act 1991 expectations. • A respectful and responsible regard for the Taranaki region’s environment and our management of its natural resources. Reporting allows evaluation and demonstration of the overall rate of

TRC 2024-34 Long-Term Plan

Programme. This is a joint approach where we undertake initial control and then the landowner is responsible to keep possums down to acceptable limits. This limit is a 10% residual trap rate – a measure of how many possums are on a property. However, the self-help programme is facing a number of challenges that have caused possum numbers to breach the 10% rate for the last few years. For example, it is increasingly difficult and expensive for landowners to access the tools they need to

Operations and Regulatory Commiittee Agenda July 2024

wetland; or • 150 metres from any marae, unless the written approval of the marae Chair has been obtained to allow the discharge at a closer distance. This includes, a requirement for the consent holder and/or whoever operates the FDE disposal system to keep a record of effluent discharged to land including as minimum the: • date of discharge; • depth, volume or rate of discharge of liquid effluent; • volume of solid effluent; • effluent type (e.g. liquid,

Ordinary Council Agenda June 2024

Walker/Cloke Setting of Rates 2024/2025 M Nield provided an update on the setting of rates for the 2024/2025 financial year following the adoption of the 2024/2034 LTP. Resolved That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) set the following rates pursuant to the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 on rating units in the Taranaki region for the financial year commencing 1 July 2024 and ending on 30 June 2025: Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Ordinary Minutes - 14 May 2024

Taranaki Stadium Trust Statement of Intent to 30 June 2025

revalued assets, the impairment loss is recognised against the revaluation reserve, for that asset class. Where that results in a debit balance, in the revaluation reserve, the balance is recognised in the surplus or deficit. In relation to assets that are not revalued, the total impairment is recognised in the surplus or deficit. page 7 Document: 3248052 Depreciation and amortisation expense Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis, at rates that will write-off the

Policy Planning Committee Agenda August 2022

where the quality of regional groundwater is of concern environmentally or from a drinking water standard perspective. State and temporal trend analysis of groundwater chemistry in four sites (GND0563, GND0827, GND0829 and GND2213) indicate that concentrations of select variables are changing at rates that are considered environmentally meaningful. Changes in overall hydrochemistry at GND0563 indicated the state of groundwater in this bore is no longer suitable for potable supply. Given that