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Report 2014

rate and daily volume of the groundwater abstraction might exceed that of the permitted activity (Rule 48). Rule 49 provides for groundwater abstraction as a controlled activity, subject to two conditions: • The abstraction shall cause not more than a 10% lowering of static water-level by interference with any adjacent bore; • The abstraction shall not cause the intrusion of saltwater into any fresh water aquifer. L & M Energy holds water permit 9361-1 to take groundwater that may


the national pattern. ���������������� ��������� The Taranaki Regional Council has a comprehensive programme to monitor all resource consent holders, which consistently reveals a generally high rate of compliance with consent conditions across all sectors. Basil Chamberlain Chief Executive, Taranaki Regional Council Taranaki waterways – update 2013 Our monitoring record spans 17 years and the most recent results have been the best yet in terms of the

Taranaki waterways report card 2013

the national pattern. ���������������� ��������� The Taranaki Regional Council has a comprehensive programme to monitor all resource consent holders, which consistently reveals a generally high rate of compliance with consent conditions across all sectors. Basil Chamberlain Chief Executive, Taranaki Regional Council Taranaki waterways – update 2013 Our monitoring record spans 17 years and the most recent results have been the best yet in terms of the

Annual report 2012-2013

parameters monthly at 77 river sites around New Zealand (Smith, et al, 1989). The programme includes three sites in Taranaki (Figure 1); one upper/mid catchment site (Manganui River at State Highway 3, incorporating some farm land area) and two lower catchment sites (Waitara River at Bertrand Road and Waingongoro River at State Highway 45). Using data collected in the NWQN since 1989, NIWA scientists have analysed trends over time for a number of parameters at the Taranaki sites and have rated

Annual report 2010-2011

have analysed trends over time for a number of parameters at the Taranaki sites and have rated them relative to other New Zealand rivers (McBride, 1996, TRC, 2003 and TRC, 2009). Water quality has been relatively stable at the Waitara River site compared with national trends and, not surprisingly, water quality remains high at the upper/mid catchment Manganui River site. A deterioration in aspects of water quality has occurred at the site in the lower reaches of the Waingongoro River over

Annual report 2013-2014

State Highway 3, incorporating some farm land area) and two lower catchment sites (Waitara River at Bertrand Road and Waingongoro River at State Highway 45). Using data collected in the NWQN since 1989, NIWA scientists have analysed trends over time for a number of parameters at the Taranaki sites and have rated them relative to other New Zealand rivers (McBride, 1996, TRC, 2003 and TRC, 2009). Water quality has been relatively stable at the Waitara River site compared with national trends

NPDC landfills consent monitoring 2019-2020

ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is …

Submission: Te Kāhui o Taranaki

offensive to Taranaki Iwi, the proposed activities include discharges to rivers and the coastal marine area. These discharges represent a continuation of the existing discharge regime, which are to be considered to be adequately performing with a rating of “good”. This is not sufficient in Taranaki Iwi’s view. 14. Based on the background, policies, values and potential effects set out in this submission, Taranaki Iwi oppose the scheme in principle but support the

Westside DWI consent monitoring 2018-2019

management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental