Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Stratford District Council Closed Landfills Annual Report 2022-2023

no evidence of damage to the cap. There were no cattle visible during the inspection. The perimeter drains contained flowing water that was clear. Some surface water was present in the drain near the flume shed, but this was not discharging towards the Pātea River. 30 March 2023 The site was inspected in fine weather conditions following a rainfall event the previous day. Generally the overall site was in good condition, however, there was ponding around a central trough and four

Aggradation in rivers & streams of the Taranaki ring plain

boundary – bank erosion page i Table of contents Page 1. Purpose 1 2. Introduction 1 3. Background 1 3.1 Ring plain 1 3.2 Elevation 2 3.3 Stability 3 3.4 Rainfall 3 3.5 Run off 4 3.6 Channels 4 4. Legal status and background 6 4.1 Ownership 6 4.2 Control 6 4.3 Land ownership 6 4.4 Catchment authorities 7 4.5 Regional Water Boards 7 4.6 Control of gravel extraction 7 5. Geology 8 6. Watercourses 9 7. Event/effect relationship 10

STDC Hawera Municipal Oxidation Ponds 2020-2021

Figure 2 Daily hours where DO is greater than 0 g/m3 in Pond 1 and 2 9 Figure 3 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the HWWTP and daily rainfall data (mm) from a Council rainfall station located approximately 5 km east of the site (2020-2021) 13 Figure 4 Location of intertidal survey sites in relation to the outfall 14 Figure 5 Mean number of species per quadrat for spring surveys (1992-2020) 15 Figure 6 Mean Shannon-Weiner indices per quadrat for spring surveys (1992-2020) 15

Annual report 2014-2015

(the Council) to assess the environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and effects of the consent holder’s activities. The Council’s monitoring programme included three regular inspections, one additional inspection, and two biological receiving water surveys. Three short duration overflows (four to nine days) following prolonged and intensive rainfall events, occurred between mid April and late June 2015. Regular inspections indicated no problems

Remediation hearing - applicant's evidence - expert evidence (monitoring & nitrogen)

“Therefore the calculations provided by RNZ are extremely conservative, if not a completely unrealistic assessment of page 10 the effects of nitrogen”. In the defence of using the 225 g/m3 concentration I make the following points: A) The amount a nitrogen applied to the irrigation fields is a combination of the nitrogen concentration in the irrigation pond and the volume of fluid irrigated. In summer there is less rainfall and the evaporation from the pond

Taranaki Thoroughbred Racing consent monitoring 2018-2019

2018-June 2019) 9 Figure 4 Daily abstraction volumes under consent 7470-1.2 (July 2009-June 2019) 10 Figure 5 Maximum daily abstraction rate under consent 7470-1.2 (July 2009-June 2019) 10 Figure 6 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and rainfall (July 2018-June 2019) 11 Figure 7 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and abstraction (July 2018-June 2019) 12 Figure 8 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and rainfall (July 2018-June 2019) 12 Figure 9 Observed groundwater levels

Site 75

rainfall sites recorded figures well above their averages for the three winter months. Our site at Patea recorded rainfall figures that were 167% above its average amount for those months, yet it was still the driest of our 27 rainfall monitoring sites around the region. Perhaps you could spare a thought for the people working in the Dawson Falls area, as a staggering 2,723mls of rain fell at that site over the winter period. Congratulations to the 55 schools, 51 early

Intensive Winter Grazing Factsheet FAQs and useful links

How do I identify Critical Source Areas? Look for areas where water accumulates during rainfall events and which also connect to water bodies. These are Critical Source Areas. These areas can be on steep or shallow slopes. If you are unsure, talk to your council or farm advisor. See the next page for some examples of Critical Source Areas. Am I allowed to graze stock in Critical Source Areas? From 1 May to 30 September, stock cannot be grazed in Critical Source Areas within a winter

NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2020 2021

during the year (four relating to high rainfall, and one relating to a potable water leak). All of these incidents were deemed compliant with consent conditions upon further investigation. There were also 19 wastewater incidents that occurred throughout the wider wastewater network; 12 of which were related to high rainfall that occurred in November and December in 2020. One incident occurred when a contractor left a pipe plug in the sewer following maintenance, which resulted in an overflow

Taranaki Thoroughbred Racing consent monitoring 2017-2018

Daily abstraction volumes under consent 7470-1.2 (July 2009-June 2018) 10 Figure 5 Maximum daily abstraction rate under consent 7470-1.2 (July 2009-June 2018) 10 Figure 6 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and rainfall (July 2017-June 2018) 11 Figure 7 Observed groundwater levels GND2102 and abstraction (July 2017-June 2018) 12 Figure 8 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and rainfall (July 2017-June 2018) 12 Figure 9 Observed groundwater levels GND2103 and abstraction (July