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Annual report 2015-2016

STOS deep-well injection monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Public Transport Service Tendering and Contracting Manual

Tender service form 63 Schedule A4: Vehicle form 64 Schedule A5: Health and safety compliance checklist 65 Schedule A5: Health and safety compliance checklist 66 Schedule A6: Certificate of non-collusion 67 Schedule A7: Declaration form 68 Schedule B1: Contract price 72 Schedule C1: Performance measures and deductions 76 Schedule C2: Performance bond 80 Schedule C3: Contract agreement form 83 page Definitions Definitions

Colson Rd Landfill consent monitoring 2017-2018

monitoring 55 Deposition gauging 55 Ambient suspended particulate and landfill gas component monitoring 56 2.8 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 57 2.9 Management and reporting 66 2.9.1 Landfill management and contingency plans 66 2.9.2 Colson Road Landfill Liaison Committee 67 2.9.3 Independent consultant’s reports 67 2.9.4 Composting 69 3 Discussion 70 3.1 Site performance 70 3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 73 3.3

Maui PS consent monitoring 2020-2021

g/m3 < 0.7 < 0.7 < 0.7 < 0.7 Ammoniacal nitrogen g/m3 N 0.58 0.26 0.41 0.21 Turbidity FNU 9.5 4.7 93 40 pH 7.2 7.0 6.7 6.9 Chloride g/m3 55 41 28 17 Suspended solids g/m3 16 5 164 67 Biomonitoring The Council collected streambed macroinvertebrates from two sites (approximately 500 m and 1,600 m downstream of the discharge) in an unnamed coastal stream (informally known as the Ngapirau Stream) on 12 January 2021 to investigate the effects of the Maui Production

Todd Generation Junction Road Power Station Annual Report 2020-2021

July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the Company’s activities. The Company holds five resource consents, which include a total of 67 conditions setting out the requirements that the Company must satisfy.

Annual report 2016-2017

Figure 33 Groundwater pH at Farm 2 bores during the year under review 64 Figure 34 Groundwater sodium concentration at Farm 2 bores during the year under review 64 Figure 35 Groundwater chloride concentration at Farm 2 bores during the year under review 64 Figure 36 Groundwater sodium concentration at Farm 3 bores during the year under review 67 Figure 37 Groundwater chloride concentration at Farm 3 bores during the year under review 67 Figure 38 Groundwater conductivity at